Converting Pointers to Integers: Avoiding Cast Errors & Mastering the Process

David Henegar

In this guide, we will cover how to convert pointers to integers and vice versa without running into any cast errors. We will also walk you through the step-by-step process of mastering pointer and integer conversions in C/C++.

Table of Contents

  • Why Convert Pointers to Integers
  • Understanding uintptr_t
  • Step-by-Step Guide
  • Converting Pointers to Integers
  • Converting Integers to Pointers

Why Convert Pointers to Integers? {#why-convert-pointers-to-integers}

There are several use cases where you might need to convert pointers to integers and vice versa. Some common reasons include:

  • Manipulating memory addresses for low-level programming.
  • Serializing and deserializing data.
  • Storing pointers in a generic data structure.
  • Debugging and logging purposes.

However, when converting pointers to integers, it is crucial to avoid any errors that may arise from incorrect casting.

Understanding uintptr_t {#understanding-uintptr_t}

To safely convert pointers to integers, it is essential to use the uintptr_t data type. This is an unsigned integer type that is large enough to store the value of a pointer. It is available in the <stdint.h> header in C and the <cstdint> header in C++.

Using uintptr_t , you can safely cast a pointer to an integer and back to a pointer without losing any information. This ensures that the process is safe, fast, and efficient.

Step-by-Step Guide {#step-by-step-guide}

Converting pointers to integers {#converting-pointers-to-integers}.

To convert a pointer to an integer, follow these steps:

  • Include the <stdint.h> header (C) or the <cstdint> header (C++) in your program.
  • Cast your pointer to uintptr_t .

Converting Integers to Pointers {#converting-integers-to-pointers}

To convert an integer to a pointer, follow these steps:

  • Cast your integer to the required pointer type using a double cast.

FAQs {#faqs}

Why can't i just use a regular int or unsigned int to store pointers {#regular-int}.

While it may work on some platforms where the size of an int is equal to the size of a pointer, it is not guaranteed to be portable across different systems. Using uintptr_t ensures your code remains portable and safe.

Are there performance implications when using uintptr_t ? {#performance}

The performance impact of using uintptr_t is minimal. Most modern compilers can optimize the casting operations, resulting in little to no overhead.

When should I use intptr_t instead of uintptr_t ? {#intptr_t}

intptr_t is a signed integer type that can hold a pointer value. It is useful when you need to perform arithmetic operations on pointers that may result in negative values. However, in most cases, uintptr_t is recommended.

Is it safe to perform arithmetic operations on integers representing pointers? {#pointer-arithmetic}

Performing arithmetic operations on integers representing pointers can lead to undefined behavior if the resulting integer doesn't correspond to a valid memory address. It is generally safer to perform arithmetic operations on pointers directly.

How do I avoid losing information when casting pointers to integers? {#avoid-losing-information}

By using uintptr_t , you ensure that the integer is large enough to store the value of a pointer without losing any information. Make sure always to use uintptr_t when converting pointers to integers.

Related Links

  • C++ Reference: uintptr_t
  • C Reference: uintptr_t
  • Understanding Pointers in C and C++

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Assignment makes integer from pointer without a cast in c

assignment makes integer from pointer without a cast wint conversion gcc

Programming can be both rewarding and challenging. You work hard on your code, and just when it seems to be functioning perfectly, an error message pops up on your screen, leaving you frustrated and clueless about what went wrong. One common error that programmers encounter is the "Assignment makes integer from pointer without a cast" error in C.

This error occurs when you try to assign a value from a pointer variable to an integer variable without properly casting it. To fix this error, you need to make sure that you cast the pointer value to the appropriate data type before assigning it to an integer variable. In this article, we will dive deeper into the causes of this error and provide you with solutions to overcome it.

assignment makes integer from pointer without a cast wint conversion gcc

What makes this error occur?

I will present some cases that triggers that error to occur, and they are all have the same concept, so if you understanded why the failure happens, then you will figure out how to solve all the cases easily.

Case 1: Assignment of a pointer to an integer variable

In this simple code we have three variables, an integer pointer "ptr" , and two integers "n1" and "n2" . We assign 2 to "n1" , so far so good, then we assign the address of "n2" to "ptr" which is the suitable storing data type for a pointer, so no problems untill now, till we get to this line "n2 = ptr" when we try to assign "ptr" which is a memory address to "n2" that needs to store an integer data type because it's not a pointer.

Case 2: Returning a Pointer from a Function that Should Return an Integer

As you can see, it's another situation but it's the same idea which causes the compilation error.  We are trying here to assign the return of getinteger function which is a pointer that conatains a memory address to the result variable that is an int type which needs an integer

Case 3: Misusing Array Names as Pointers

As we might already know, that the identifier (name) of the array is actually a pointer to the array first element memory address , so it's a pointer after all, and assigning a pointer type to int type causes the same compilation error.

The solutions

The key to avoiding the error is understanding that pointers and integers are different types of variables in C. Pointers hold memory addresses, while integers hold numeric values. We can use either casting , dereferencing the pointer or just redesign another solution for the problem we are working on that allows the two types to be the same. It all depending on the situation.

Let's try to solve the above cases:

Case 1: Solution: Deferencing the pointer

We need in this case to asssign an int type to "n2" not a pointer or memory address, so how do we get the value of the variable that the pointer "ptr" pointing to? We get it by deferencing the pointer , so the code after the fix will be like the following:

Case 2: Solution: Choosing the right data type

In this case we have two options, either we change the getinteger returning type to int or change the result variable type to a pointer . I will go with the latter option, because there are a lot of functions in the C standard library that returning a pointer, so what we can control is our variable that takes the function return. So the code after the fix will be like the following:

We here changed the result variable from normal int to an int pointer by adding "*" .

Case 3: Solution: Using the array subscript operator

In this case we can get the value of any number in the array  by using the subscript opeartor ([]) on the array with the index number like: myarray[1] for the second element which is 2 . If we still remember that the array identifier is a pointer to the array first memory, then we can also get the value of the array first element by deferencing the array identifier like: *myarray which will get us 1 .

But let's solve the case by using the subscript opeartor which is the more obvious way. So the code will be like the following:

Now the number 1 is assigned to myint without any compilation erros.

The conclusion

In conclusion, the error "assignment to ‘int’ from ‘int *’ makes integer from pointer without a cast" arises in C programming when there is an attempt to assign a memory address (held by a pointer) directly to an integer variable. This is a type mismatch as pointers and integers are fundamentally different types of variables in C.

To avoid or correct this error, programmers need to ensure they are handling pointers and integers appropriately. If the intent is to assign the value pointed by a pointer to an integer, dereferencing should be used. If a function is meant to return an integer, it should not return a pointer. When dealing with arrays, remember that the array name behaves like a pointer to the first element, not an individual element of the array.

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[SOLVED] C - assigment makes integer from pointer without a cast warning

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usernamer is offline

I know it's a common error, and I've tried googling it, looked at a bunch of answers, but I still don't really get what to do in this situation.... Here's the relevant code: Code: #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> int main( int argc, char *argv[] ) { char path[51]; const char* home = getenv( "HOME" ); strcpy( path, argv[1] ); path[1] = home; return 0; } -- there is more code in the blank lines, but the issue's not there (I'm fairly sure), so didn't see the point in writing out 100 odd lines of code. I've tried some stuff like trying to make a pointer to path[1], and make that = home, but haven't managed to make that work (although maybe that's just me doing it wrong as opposed to wrong idea?) Thanks in advance for any help

r-senior is offline

Re: C - assigment makes integer from pointer without a cast warning

path[1] is the second element of a char array, so it's a char. home is a char *, i.e. a pointer to a char. You get the warning because you try to assign a char* to a char. Note also the potential to overflow your buffer if the content of the argv[1] argument is very long. It's usually better to use strncpy.
Last edited by r-senior; March 10th, 2013 at 03:03 PM . Reason: argv[1] would overflow, not HOME. Corrected to avoid confusion.
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Christmas is offline

You can try something like this: Code: #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> int main( int argc, char *argv[] ) { char *path; const char *home = getenv("HOME"); path = malloc(strlen(home) + 1); if (!path) { printf("Error\n"); return 0; } strcpy(path, home); printf("path = %s\n", path); // if you want to have argv[1] concatenated with path if (argc >= 2) { path = malloc(strlen(home) + strlen(argv[1]) + 1); strcpy(path, argv[1]); strcat(path, home); printf("%s\n", path); } // if you want an array of strings, each containing path, argv[1]... char **array; int i; array = malloc(argc * sizeof(char*)); array[0] = malloc(strlen(home) + 1); strcpy(array[0], home); printf("array[0] = %s\n", array[0]); for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) { array[i] = malloc(strlen(argv[i]) + 1); strcpy(array[i], argv[i]); printf("array[%d] = %s\n", i, array[i]); } // now array[i] will hold path and all the argv strings return 0; } Just as above, your path[51] is a string while path[1] is only a character, so you can't use strcpy for that.
Last edited by Christmas; March 10th, 2013 at 09:51 PM .
TuxArena - Ubuntu/Debian/Mint Tutorials | Linux Stuff Intro Tutorials | UbuTricks I play Wesnoth sometimes. And AssaultCube .
Originally Posted by Christmas You can try something like this: Code: #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> int main( int argc, char *argv[] ) { char *path; const char *home = getenv("HOME"); path = malloc(strlen(home) + 1); if (!path) { printf("Error\n"); return 0; } strcpy(path, home); printf("path = %s\n", path); // if you want to have argv[1] concatenated with path if (argc >= 2) { path = malloc(strlen(home) + strlen(argv[1]) + 1); strcpy(path, argv[1]); strcat(path, home); printf("%s\n", path); } // if you want an array of strings, each containing path, argv[1]... char **array; int i; array = malloc(argc * sizeof(char*)); array[0] = malloc(strlen(home) + 1); strcpy(array[0], home); printf("array[0] = %s\n", array[0]); for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) { array[i] = malloc(strlen(argv[i]) + 1); strcpy(array[i], argv[i]); printf("array[%d] = %s\n", i, array[i]); } // now array[i] will hold path and all the argv strings return 0; } Just as above, your path[51] is a string while path[1] is only a character, so you can't use strcpy for that. Excellent point. I've basically fixed my problem by reading up on pointers again (haven't done any C for a little while, so forgot some stuff), and doing: Code: path[1] = *home; the code doesn't moan at me when I compile it, and it runs okay (for paths which aren't close to 51 at least), but after reading what you read, I just wrote a quick program and found out that getenv("HOME") is 10 characters long, not 1 like I seem to have assumed, so I'll modify my code to fix that.
Yes, getenv will return the path to your home dir, for example /home/user, but path[1] = *home will still assign the first character of home to path[1] (which would be '/').
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My C program returns error? Warning: initialization makes integer from pointer without a cast [-wint-conversion]|? help!

assignment makes integer from pointer without a cast wint conversion gcc

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Warning: Initialization makes integer from pointer without a cast

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nexusdarkblue is offline

Hello everyone, I am somewhat new to C programming (I started last year) and I'm fairly good at it so far...that is, until I've recently started working with structures. In my current program, I'm simply trying to initialize a simple array of structures that will be the test template for other similar programs I plan on using in the future. The program is as follows: Code: #include <stdio.h> int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int time, closest; struct flight { int depart[FLIGHTS]; int arrive[FLIGHTS]; char *attendant; }; struct flight schedule[] = {{800, 1016, "Jason Mackenzie"}, {943, 1152, "Valerie Woods"}, {1119, 1331, "Antonio Vasquez"}, {1247, 1500, "Natalie McIver"}, {1400, 1608, "Scott Curtis"}, {1545, 1755, "Yvonne Vogelar"}, {1900, 2120, "Mitch Matthews"}, {2145, 2358, "Marcie Maddox"}}; printf("%d\n", schedule[0].arrive[0]); return 0; } For each line where I'm trying to initialize each index of the schedule array, the compiler gives me the warning "initialization makes integer from pointer without a cast" and I can't figure out why. To test to see if my code was correct or not, I used a simple printf( ) statement, and all I got for the output was zero, so I'm obviously doing something wrong here. Can anyone help? I'd really appreciate it--thanks! RICH

Elysia is offline

depart & arrive are arrays, but you are only trying to assign one value to them. The compiler assumes that the first {} is for initializing the depart arrays, and thus you are truncating the strings (const char*) to int. Also remember that string literals should be const char* because they are read-only in most cases.
Originally Posted by Adak io.h certainly IS included in some modern compilers. It is no longer part of the standard for C, but it is nevertheless, included in the very latest Pelles C versions. Originally Posted by Salem You mean it's included as a crutch to help ancient programmers limp along without them having to relearn too much. Outside of your DOS world, your header file is meaningless.
Thanks for the help, Elysia. But then I realized that I didn't mean for 'depart' and 'arrive' to be arrays--they're just integer values that are part of my array of structures. I did change my string literal to be const char*, so thanks for that advice!

nonoob is offline

One thing you might consider is to define a template. For example: Code: typedef struct { int depart; int arrive; const char *attendant; } FLIGHT_DEF; Then declare the actual storage and contents: Code: FLIGHT_DEF flight[] = { {800, 1016, "Jason Mackenzie"}, {943, 1152, "Valerie Woods"}, {1119, 1331, "Antonio Vasquez"}, {1247, 1500, "Natalie McIver"}, {1400, 1608, "Scott Curtis"}, {1545, 1755, "Yvonne Vogelar"}, {1900, 2120, "Mitch Matthews"}, {2145, 2358, "Marcie Maddox"}, }; The advantage there is that you may now use FLIGHT_DEF as a parameter type to functions (cast), or determine number of elements: Code: #define FLIGHT_DEF_SIZE (sizeof(flight)/sizeof(FLIGHT_DEF)) ... which could come in handy. The capitalization and closing brace on separate line are old habits. Makes adding/deleting records easier. Eventually I take all the capitalized typedefs into a separate include file so that they may become available in other modules.
Last edited by nonoob; 03-09-2009 at 04:25 PM .
Originally Posted by nonoob The capitalization and closing brace on separate line are old habits. And not necessarily bad ones, either. It makes code more readable in my opinion.
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compiler warning: pointer from integer without a cast

Would appreciate some understanding of a compiler warning. Developing for nRF52832 using SDK 15.3.0 plus S112.

This code compiles without warning:

ret_code_t err_code; err_code = nrfx_ppi_channel_assign(chan_0, nrfx_gpiote_in_event_addr_get(COMPARATOR_PIN),nrfx_timer_task_address_get(&m_timer1,NRF_TIMER_TASK_START)); APP_ERROR_CHECK(err_code);

Then I switch from nrfx to sd calls:

ret_code_t err_code; err_code = sd_ppi_channel_assign(chan_0, nrfx_gpiote_in_event_addr_get(COMPARATOR_PIN),nrfx_timer_task_address_get(&m_timer1,NRF_TIMER_TASK_START)); APP_ERROR_CHECK(err_code);

and the following warnings:

passing argument 2 of 'sd_ppi_channel_assign' makes pointer from integer without a cast [-Wint-conversion]

passing argument 3 of 'sd_ppi_channel_assign' makes pointer from integer without a cast [-Wint-conversion]

All seems to work, but would appreciate understanding the warnings.

Many thanks,

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Take a look at the API documentation for explanation:



The second one takes a pointer to a variable, while the first one takes a value. I would have call nrfx_gpiote_in_event_addr_get and nrfx_timer_task_address_get first and saved the results in their own variables that you can then pass via a pointer (&) to the sd_ppi_channel_assign. It's a bit surprising that you were able to compile with the wrong argument type. Pointers are the numbers containing the memory address of a variable instead of being the variable themselves. Therefore it could technically work, but would be very likely to behave incorrectly or even crash due to wrong values. That's what the compiler is warning you about.

Best regards,

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Thank you Marjeris. Makes sense. I incorrectly assumed the function parameters were the same.

However, it's odd that it worked. Compiler warnings went away, but PPI stopped working when I changed the code to:

ret_code_t err_code; uint32_t event_addr = nrfx_gpiote_in_event_addr_get(COMPARATOR_PIN); uint32_t task_addr = nrfx_timer_task_address_get(&m_timer1,NRF_TIMER_TASK_START); err_code = sd_ppi_channel_assign(chan_0, &event_addr, &task_addr); APP_ERROR_CHECK(err_code);

I need to debug and see if sd_ppi_channel_assign returns an error. Will do so, but thought to check if the above code looks correct to you.

Also, when I search devzone, all posts with sd_ppi_channel_assign access peripherals (TIMER, GPIOTE, etc.) directly, except for this post , which casts nrf_drv_gpiote_in_event_addr_get and nrf_drv_timer_task_address_get to (const volatile void *). This resolves the compiler warnings, but would like to confirm this is correct code.

Jørgen Holmefjord

The correct approach is to cast the type  (const volatile void *) when providing the variables (or events/task addresses). The  sd_ppi_channel_assign () function is taking pointers, but the event/task addresses can be seen as pointers itself. It is therefore not correct to pass a pointer to the variables, as this will lead to PPI endpoints being set to addresses in RAM, which are not supported.

ret_code_t err_code; uint32_t event_addr = nrfx_gpiote_in_event_addr_get(COMPARATOR_PIN); uint32_t task_addr = nrfx_timer_task_address_get(&m_timer1,NRF_TIMER_TASK_START); err_code = sd_ppi_channel_assign(chan_0, (const volatile void *)event_addr, (const volatile void *)task_addr); APP_ERROR_CHECK(err_code);

Best regards, Jørgen

Thank you Jørgen. I think I understand.

Am I correct to say that this:

is equivalent to:

ret_code_t err_code; err_code = sd_ppi_channel_assign(chan_0, (const volatile void *)nrfx_gpiote_in_event_addr_get(COMPARATOR_PIN), (const volatile void *)nrfx_timer_task_address_get(&m_timer1,NRF_TIMER_TASK_START));

Any advantages of one compared to the other?

What is the meaning of "warning: assignment makes integer from pointer without a cast [Wint conversion]" in C?

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In C, the warning "assignment makes integer from pointer without a cast [Wint conversion]" typically occurs when you are trying to assign a pointer value to an integer variable without explicitly converting the pointer to an integer. This warning is generated by the compiler to alert you to a potential mistake in your code.

When you see this warning, it means that you are assigning an address (pointer value) to an integer variable. While this is technically allowed in C, it is generally not what you intended to do. The warning is a reminder to double-check your code and ensure that you are assigning the correct values to your variables.

To resolve this warning, you can either explicitly cast the pointer to an integer or review your code to determine if you intended to assign a pointer value to an integer variable. If you intended to assign the value pointed to by the pointer, you should dereference the pointer using the * operator before assigning it to the integer variable.

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C语言assignment makes pointer from integer without a cast

assignment makes integer from pointer without a cast wint conversion gcc

这个警告的意思是将一个int整数值直接赋值给了一个指针变量。( 重点是类型不一致 )


比如: int *p = 10;   //这就会产生这个警告

                                //因为 p 是指针变量,存放的是地址。而10是一个整数常量

改成: int *p = (int *)10    //强制转换成同一类型就可以消除警告


assignment makes integer from pointer without a cast wint conversion gcc


assignment makes integer from pointer without a cast wint conversion gcc


assignment makes integer from pointer without a cast wint conversion gcc

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assignment makes integer from pointer without a cast wint conversion gcc

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Assignment makes pointer from integer without a cast

  • From : Lord Byron <lordbyronbr at yahoo dot com>
  • To : gcc at gcc dot gnu dot org
  • Date : Wed, 20 Mar 2002 05:16:25 -0800 (PST)
  • Subject : Assignment makes pointer from integer without a cast
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gcc warning: assignment makes integer from pointer without a cast

I am making this assignment in my program and I am getting the warning a titled. Here is the code snippet:

table_name[index] = NULL;

I could not understand what can be a problem in such a statement.

Aman Deep Gautam's user avatar

3 Answers 3

NULL is not a valid integer, and it is being assigned to an entry of an array made up of presumably int s, so the compiler is complaining.

NULL is used as a default pointer value that indicates "nothing" .. if you had a pointer variable and assigned NULL to it, you'd be saying that pointer variable points to "nothing".

Because of this type mismatch, the specific message is warning you that you are trying to assign one type (really a pointer value) to another ( int ) without trying to cast it (which is how we sometimes convert one type to another in order to avoid type mismatches).

If you had an array of pointers this assignment of NULL would be perfectly ok.

Levon's user avatar

The problem is that table_name[index] is an integer value, not a pointer. NULL is meant to represent pointers.

If table_name is declared as int* , you could do table_name = NULL; without issue, but when setting a value at an index , the compiler is going to expect you to use the same type as the array.

Reed Copsey's user avatar

When i try to assign a pointer value into a varriable (always the same data type) then I have the same reaction from the compiler..

19greg96's user avatar

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assignment makes integer from pointer without a cast wint conversion gcc

Clang 19.1.0 documentation

Clang 19.1.0 release notes.

«   Using Clang as a Compiler   ::   Contents   ::   Clang Compiler User’s Manual   »

Clang 19.1.0 Release Notes ¶

Written by the LLVM Team

Introduction ¶

This document contains the release notes for the Clang C/C++/Objective-C frontend, part of the LLVM Compiler Infrastructure, release 19.1.0. Here we describe the status of Clang in some detail, including major improvements from the previous release and new feature work. For the general LLVM release notes, see the LLVM documentation . For the libc++ release notes, see this page . All LLVM releases may be downloaded from the LLVM releases web site .

For more information about Clang or LLVM, including information about the latest release, please see the Clang Web Site or the LLVM Web Site .

Potentially Breaking Changes ¶

These changes are ones which we think may surprise users when upgrading to Clang 19.1.0 because of the opportunity they pose for disruption to existing code bases.

Setting the deprecated CMake variable GCC_INSTALL_PREFIX (which sets the default --gcc-toolchain= ) now leads to a fatal error.

C/C++ Language Potentially Breaking Changes ¶

Clang now supports raw string literals in -std=gnuXY mode as an extension in C99 and later. This behaviour can also be overridden using -f[no-]raw-string-literals . Support of raw string literals in C++ is not affected. Fixes ( #85703 ).

C++ Specific Potentially Breaking Changes ¶

Clang now diagnoses function/variable templates that shadow their own template parameters, e.g. template<class T> void T(); . This error can be disabled via -Wno-strict-primary-template-shadow for compatibility with previous versions of clang.

The behavior controlled by the -frelaxed-template-template-args flag is now on by default, and the flag is deprecated. Until the flag is finally removed, it’s negative spelling can be used to obtain compatibility with previous versions of clang. The deprecation warning for the negative spelling can be disabled with -Wno-deprecated-no-relaxed-template-template-args .

Clang no longer tries to form pointer-to-members from qualified and parenthesized unevaluated expressions such as decltype(&(foo::bar)) . ( #40906 ).

Clang now performs semantic analysis for unary operators with dependent operands that are known to be of non-class non-enumeration type prior to instantiation.

This change uncovered a bug in libstdc++ 14.1.0 which may cause compile failures on systems using that version of libstdc++ and Clang 19, with an error that looks something like this:

To fix this, update libstdc++ to version 14.1.1 or greater.

ABI Changes in This Version ¶

Fixed Microsoft name mangling of implicitly defined variables used for thread safe static initialization of static local variables. This change resolves incompatibilities with code compiled by MSVC but might introduce incompatibilities with code compiled by earlier versions of Clang when an inline member function that contains a static local variable with a dynamic initializer is declared with __declspec(dllimport) . ( #83616 ).

Fixed Microsoft name mangling of lifetime extended temporary objects. This change corrects missing back reference registrations that could result in incorrect back reference indexes and suprising demangled name results. Since MSVC uses a different mangling for these objects, compatibility is not affected. ( #85423 ).

Fixed Microsoft calling convention for returning certain classes with a templated constructor. If a class has a templated constructor, it should be returned indirectly even if it meets all the other requirements for returning a class in a register. This affects some uses of std::pair. ( #86384 ).

Fixed Microsoft calling convention when returning classes that have a deleted copy assignment operator. Such a class should be returned indirectly.

Removed the global alias that was pointing to AArch64 Function Multiversioning ifuncs. Its purpose was to preserve backwards compatibility when the “.ifunc” suffix got removed from the name mangling. The alias interacts badly with GlobalOpt (see the issue #96197).

Fixed Microsoft name mangling for auto non-type template arguments of pointer type for MSVC 1920+. This change resolves incompatibilities with code compiled by MSVC 1920+ but will introduce incompatibilities with code compiled by earlier versions of Clang unless such code is built with the compiler option -fms-compatibility-version=19.14 to imitate the MSVC 1914 mangling behavior.

Fixed Microsoft name mangling for auto non-type template arguments of pointer to member type for MSVC 1920+. This change resolves incompatibilities with code compiled by MSVC 1920+ but will introduce incompatibilities with code compiled by earlier versions of Clang unless such code is built with the compiler option -fms-compatibility-version=19.14 to imitate the MSVC 1914 mangling behavior. (GH#70899).

AST Dumping Potentially Breaking Changes ¶

The text ast-dumper has improved printing of TemplateArguments.

The text decl-dumper prints template parameters’ trailing requires expressions now.

Clang Frontend Potentially Breaking Changes ¶

Removed support for constructing on-stack TemplateArgumentList s; interfaces should instead use ArrayRef<TemplateArgument> to pass template arguments. Transitioning internal uses to ArrayRef<TemplateArgument> reduces AST memory usage by 0.4% when compiling clang, and is expected to show similar improvements on other workloads.

The -Wgnu-binary-literal diagnostic group no longer controls any diagnostics. Binary literals are no longer a GNU extension, they’re now a C23 extension which is controlled via -pedantic or -Wc23-extensions . Use of -Wno-gnu-binary-literal will no longer silence this pedantic warning, which may break existing uses with -Werror .

The normalization of 3 element target triples where -none- is the middle element has changed. For example, armv7m-none-eabi previously normalized to armv7m-none-unknown-eabi , with none for the vendor and unknown for the operating system. It now normalizes to armv7m-unknown-none-eabi , which has unknown vendor and none operating system.

The affected triples are primarily for bare metal Arm where it is intended that none means that there is no operating system. As opposed to an unknown type of operating system.

This change can cause clang to not find libraries, or libraries to be built at different file system locations. This can be fixed by changing your builds to use the new normalized triple. However, we recommend instead getting the normalized triple from clang itself, as this will make your builds more robust in case of future changes:

The hasTypeLoc AST matcher will no longer match a classTemplateSpecializationDecl ; existing uses should switch to templateArgumentLoc or hasAnyTemplateArgumentLoc instead.

Clang Python Bindings Potentially Breaking Changes ¶

Renamed CursorKind variant 272 from OMP_TEAMS_DISTRIBUTE_DIRECTIVE to OMP_TEAMS_DISTRIBUTE_SIMD_DIRECTIVE . The previous name was incorrect, it was a duplicate of variant 271.

Renamed TypeKind variant 162 from OBJCCLASS to OBJCTYPEPARAM . The previous name was incorrect, it was a duplicate of variant 28.

Refactored enum implementation, switching to the standard library Enum type.

What’s New in Clang 19.1.0? ¶

Some of the major new features and improvements to Clang are listed here. Generic improvements to Clang as a whole or to its underlying infrastructure are described first, followed by language-specific sections with improvements to Clang’s support for those languages.

Implemented improvements to BMIs for C++20 Modules that can reduce the number of rebuilds during incremental recompilation. We are seeking feedback from Build System authors and other interested users, especially when you feel Clang changes the BMI and misses an opportunity to avoid recompilations or causes correctness issues. See StandardCPlusPlusModules StandardCPlusPlusModules for more details.

The \par documentation comment command now supports an optional argument, which denotes the header of the paragraph started by an instance of the \par command comment. The implementation of the argument handling matches its semantics in Doxygen <> . Namely, any text on the same line as the \par command will become a header for the paragaph, and if there is no text then the command will start a new paragraph.

C++ Language Changes ¶

C++17 support is now completed, with the enablement of the relaxed temlate template argument matching rules introduced in P0522, which was retroactively applied as a defect report. While the implementation already existed since Clang 4, it was turned off by default, and was controlled with the -frelaxed-template-template-args flag. In this release, we implement provisional wording for a core defect on P0522 (CWG2398), which avoids the most serious compatibility issues caused by it, allowing us to enable it by default in this release. The flag is now deprecated, and will be removed in the next release, but can still be used to turn it off and regain compatibility with previous versions ( #36505 ).

Implemented _BitInt literal suffixes __wb or __WB as a Clang extension with unsigned modifiers also allowed. ( #85223 ).

C++17 Feature Support ¶

Clang now exposes __GCC_DESTRUCTIVE_SIZE and __GCC_CONSTRUCTIVE_SIZE predefined macros to support standard library implementations of std::hardware_destructive_interference_size and std::hardware_constructive_interference_size , respectively. These macros are predefined in all C and C++ language modes. The values the macros expand to are not stable between releases of Clang and do not need to match the values produced by GCC, so these macros should not be used from header files because they may not be stable across multiple TUs (the values may vary based on compiler version as well as CPU tuning). #60174

C++14 Feature Support ¶

Sized deallocation is enabled by default in C++14 onwards. The user may specify -fno-sized-deallocation to disable it if there are some regressions.

C++20 Feature Support ¶

Clang won’t perform ODR checks for decls in the global module fragment any more to ease the implementation and improve the user’s using experience. This follows the MSVC’s behavior. Users interested in testing the more strict behavior can use the flag ‘-Xclang -fno-skip-odr-check-in-gmf’. ( #79240 ).

Implemented the __is_layout_compatible and __is_pointer_interconvertible_base_of intrinsics to support P0466R5: Layout-compatibility and Pointer-interconvertibility Traits .

Clang now implements [module.import]p7 fully. Clang now will import module units transitively for the module units coming from the same module of the current module units. Fixes #84002

Initial support for class template argument deduction (CTAD) for type alias templates ( P1814R0 ). ( #54051 ).

We have sufficient confidence and experience with the concepts implementation to update the __cpp_concepts macro to 202002L . This enables <expected> from libstdc++ to work correctly with Clang.

User defined constructors are allowed for copy-list-initialization with CTAD. ( #62925 ).

C++23 Feature Support ¶

Implemented P2718R0: Lifetime extension in range-based for loops . Also materialize temporary object which is a prvalue in discarded-value expression.

Implemented P1774R8: Portable assumptions .

Implemented P2448R2: Relaxing some constexpr restrictions . Note, the -Winvalid-constexpr diagnostic is now disabled in C++23 mode, but can be explicitly specified to retain the old diagnostic checking behavior.

Added a __reference_converts_from_temporary builtin, completing the necessary compiler support for P2255R2: Type trait to determine if a reference binds to a temporary .

Implemented P2797R0: Static and explicit object member functions with the same parameter-type-lists . This completes the support for “deducing this”.

C++2c Feature Support ¶

Implemented P2662R3 Pack Indexing .

Implemented P2573R2: = delete(“should have a reason”);

Implemented P0609R3: Attributes for Structured Bindings

Implemented P2748R5 Disallow Binding a Returned Glvalue to a Temporary .

Implemented P2809R3: Trivial infinite loops are not Undefined Behavior .

Implemented P3144R2 Deleting a Pointer to an Incomplete Type Should be Ill-formed .

Implemented P2963R3 Ordering of constraints involving fold expressions .

Resolutions to C++ Defect Reports ¶

Substitute template parameter pack, when it is not explicitly specified in the template parameters, but is deduced from a previous argument. ( #78449 )

Type qualifications are now ignored when evaluating layout compatibility of two types. ( CWG1719: Layout compatibility and cv-qualification revisited ).

Alignment of members is now respected when evaluating layout compatibility of structs. ( CWG2583: Common initial sequence should consider over-alignment ).

[[no_unique_address]] is now respected when evaluating layout compatibility of two types. ( CWG2759: [[no_unique_address] and common initial sequence ).

Clang now diagnoses declarative nested-name-specifiers with pack-index-specifiers. ( CWG2858: Declarative nested-name-specifiers and pack-index-specifiers ).

Clang now allows attributes on concepts. ( CWG2428: Deprecating a concept ).

P0522 implementation is enabled by default in all language versions, and provisional wording for CWG2398 is implemented.

Clang now performs type-only lookup for the name in using enum declaration. ( CWG2877: Type-only lookup for using-enum-declarator ).

Clang now requires a template argument list after a template keyword. ( CWG96: Syntactic disambiguation using the template keyword ).

Clang now considers noexcept(typeid(expr)) more carefully, instead of always assuming that std::bad_typeid can be thrown. ( CWG2191: Incorrect result for noexcept(typeid(v)) ).

C Language Changes ¶

C2y feature support ¶.

Clang now enables C2y mode with -std=c2y . This sets __STDC_VERSION__ to 202400L so that it’s greater than the value for C23. The value of this macro is subject to change in the future.

C23 Feature Support ¶

No longer diagnose use of binary literals as an extension in C23 mode. Fixes #72017 .

Corrected parsing behavior for the alignas specifier/qualifier in C23. We previously handled it as an attribute as in C++, but there are parsing differences. The behavioral differences are:

Fixes ( #81472 ).

Clang now generates predefined macros of the form __TYPE_FMTB__ and __TYPE_FMTb__ (e.g., __UINT_FAST64_FMTB__ ) in C23 mode for use with macros typically exposed from <inttypes.h> , such as PRIb8 . ( #81896 )

Clang now supports N3018 The constexpr specifier for object definitions < >`_.

Properly promote bit-fields of bit-precise integer types to the field’s type rather than to int . #87641

Added the INFINITY and NAN macros to Clang’s <float.h> freestanding implementation; these macros were defined in <math.h> in C99 but C23 added them to <float.h> in WG14 N2848 .

Clang now supports N3017 #embed - a scannable, tooling-friendly binary resource inclusion mechanism.

Added the FLT_NORM_MAX , DBL_NORM_MAX , and LDBL_NORM_MAX to the freestanding implementation of <float.h> that ships with Clang.

Compiler support for N2653 char8_t: A type for UTF-8 characters and strings < >`_: u8 string literals are now of type char8_t[N] in C23 and expose __CLANG_ATOMIC_CHAR8_T_LOCK_FREE / __GCC_ATOMIC_CHAR8_T_LOCK_FREE to implement the corresponding macro in <stdatomic.h> .

Non-comprehensive list of changes in this release ¶

Added __builtin_readsteadycounter for reading fixed frequency hardware counters.

__builtin_addc , __builtin_subc , and the other sizes of those builtins are now constexpr and may be used in constant expressions.

Added __builtin_popcountg as a type-generic alternative to __builtin_popcount{,l,ll} with support for any unsigned integer type. Like the previous builtins, this new builtin is constexpr and may be used in constant expressions.

Lambda expressions are now accepted in C++03 mode as an extension.

Added __builtin_clzg and __builtin_ctzg as type-generic alternatives to __builtin_clz{,s,l,ll} and __builtin_ctz{,s,l,ll} respectively, with support for any unsigned integer type. Like the previous builtins, these new builtins are constexpr and may be used in constant expressions.

__typeof_unqual__ is available in all C modes as an extension, which behaves like typeof_unqual from C23, similar to __typeof__ and typeof .

__builtin_reduce_{add|mul|xor|or|and|min|max} builtins now support scalable vectors.

Shared libraries linked with either the -ffast-math , -Ofast , or -funsafe-math-optimizations flags will no longer enable flush-to-zero floating-point mode by default. This decision can be overridden with use of -mdaz-ftz . This behavior now matches GCC’s behavior. ( #57589 )

-fdenormal-fp-math=preserve-sign is no longer implied by -ffast-math on x86 systems.

Builtins __builtin_shufflevector() and __builtin_convertvector() may now be used within constant expressions.

When compiling a constexpr function, Clang will check to see whether the function can never be used in a constant expression context and issues a diagnostic under the -Winvalid-constexpr diagostic flag (which defaults to an error). This check can be expensive because the mere presence of a function marked constexpr will cause us to undergo constant expression evaluation, even if the function is not called within the translation unit being compiled. Due to the expense, Clang no longer checks constexpr function bodies when the function is defined in a system header file or when -Winvalid-constexpr is not enabled for the function definition, which should result in mild compile-time performance improvements.

Added __is_bitwise_cloneable which is used to check whether a type can be safely copied by memcpy/memmove.

#pragma GCC diagnostic warning "-Wfoo" can now downgrade -Werror=foo errors and certain default-to-error -W diagnostics to warnings.

Support importing C++20 modules in clang-repl.

Added support for TypeLoc::dump() for easier debugging, and improved textual and JSON dumping for various TypeLoc -related nodes.

Clang can now emit distinct type-based alias analysis tags for incompatible pointers, enabling more powerful alias analysis when accessing pointer types. The new behavior can be enabled using -fpointer-tbaa .

The __atomic_always_lock_free and __atomic_is_lock_free builtins may now return true if the pointer argument is a compile-time constant (e.g. (void*)4 ), and constant pointer is sufficiently-aligned for the access requested. Previously, only the type of the pointer was taken into account. This improves compatibility with GCC’s libstdc++.

The type traits builtin __is_nullptr is deprecated in CLang 19 and will be removed in Clang 20. __is_same(__remove_cv(T), decltype(nullptr)) can be used instead to check whether a type T is a nullptr .

New Compiler Flags ¶

-fsanitize=implicit-bitfield-conversion checks implicit truncation and sign change.

-fsanitize=implicit-integer-conversion a group that replaces the previous group -fsanitize=implicit-conversion .

-Wmissing-designated-field-initializers , grouped under -Wmissing-field-initializers . This diagnostic can be disabled to make -Wmissing-field-initializers behave like it did before Clang 18.x. Fixes #56628

-fexperimental-modules-reduced-bmi enables the Reduced BMI for C++20 named modules. See the document of standard C++ modules for details.

-fexperimental-late-parse-attributes enables an experimental feature to allow late parsing certain attributes in specific contexts where they would not normally be late parsed. Currently this allows late parsing the counted_by attribute in C. See Attribute Changes in Clang .

-fseparate-named-sections uses separate unique sections for global symbols in named special sections (i.e. symbols annotated with __attribute__((section(...))) . This enables linker GC to collect unused symbols without having to use a per-symbol section.

-fms-define-stdc and its clang-cl counterpart /Zc:__STDC__ . Matches MSVC behaviour by defining __STDC__ to 1 when MSVC compatibility mode is used. It has no effect for C++ code.

-Wc++23-compat group was added to help migrating existing codebases to C++23.

-Wc++2c-compat group was added to help migrating existing codebases to upcoming C++26.

-fdisable-block-signature-string instructs clang not to emit the signature string for blocks. Disabling the string can potentially break existing code that relies on it. Users should carefully consider this possibiilty when using the flag.

For the ARM target, added -Warm-interrupt-vfp-clobber that will emit a diagnostic when an interrupt handler is declared and VFP is enabled.

-fpointer-tbaa enables emission of distinct type-based alias analysis tags for incompatible pointers.

Deprecated Compiler Flags ¶

The -Ofast command-line option has been deprecated. This option both enables the -O3 optimization-level, as well as enabling non-standard -ffast-math behaviors. As such, it is somewhat misleading as an “optimization level”. Users are advised to switch to -O3 -ffast-math if the use of non-standard math behavior is intended, and -O3 otherwise. See RFC for details.

Modified Compiler Flags ¶

Added a new diagnostic flag -Wreturn-mismatch which is grouped under -Wreturn-type , and moved some of the diagnostics previously controlled by -Wreturn-type under this new flag. Fixes #72116 .

-fsanitize=implicit-conversion is now a group for both -fsanitize=implicit-integer-conversion and -fsanitize=implicit-bitfield-conversion .

Added -Wcast-function-type-mismatch under the -Wcast-function-type warning group. Moved the diagnostic previously controlled by -Wcast-function-type to the new warning group and added -Wcast-function-type-mismatch to -Wextra . #76872

Carved out -Wformat warning about scoped enums into a subwarning and make it controlled by -Wformat-pedantic . Fixes #88595 .

Trivial infinite loops (i.e loops with a constant controlling expresion evaluating to true and an empty body such as while(1); ) are considered infinite, even when the -ffinite-loop flag is set.

Diagnostics groups about compatibility with a particular C++ Standard version now include dianostics about C++26 features that are not present in older versions.

Removed the “arm interrupt calling convention” warning that was included in -Wextra without its own flag. This warning suggested adding __attribute__((interrupt)) to functions that are called from interrupt handlers to prevent clobbering VFP registers. Following this suggestion leads to unpredictable behavior by causing multiple exception returns from one exception. Fixes #34876 .

Removed Compiler Flags ¶

The -freroll-loops flag has been removed. It had no effect since Clang 13.

-m[no-]unaligned-access is removed for RISC-V and LoongArch. -m[no-]strict-align , also supported by GCC, should be used instead. ( #85350 )

Attribute Changes in Clang ¶

Introduced a new function attribute __attribute__((amdgpu_max_num_work_groups(x, y, z))) or [[clang::amdgpu_max_num_work_groups(x, y, z)]] for the AMDGPU target. This attribute can be attached to HIP or OpenCL kernel function definitions to provide an optimization hint. The parameters x , y , and z specify the maximum number of workgroups for the respective dimensions, and each must be a positive integer when provided. The parameter x is required, while y and z are optional with default value of 1.

The swiftasynccc attribute is now considered to be a Clang extension rather than a language standard feature. Please use __has_extension(swiftasynccc) to check the availability of this attribute for the target platform instead of __has_feature(swiftasynccc) . Also, added a new extension query __has_extension(swiftcc) corresponding to the __attribute__((swiftcc)) attribute.

The _Nullable and _Nonnull family of type attributes can now apply to certain C++ class types, such as smart pointers: void useObject(std::unique_ptr<Object> _Nonnull obj); .

This works for standard library types including unique_ptr , shared_ptr , and function . See the attribute reference documentation for the full list.

The _Nullable attribute can be applied to C++ class declarations: template <class T> class _Nullable MySmartPointer {}; .

This allows the _Nullable and _Nonnull family of type attributes to apply to this class.

Clang now warns that the exclude_from_explicit_instantiation attribute is ignored when applied to a local class or a member thereof.

The clspv_libclc_builtin attribute has been added to allow clspv ( OpenCL-C to Vulkan SPIR-V compiler ) to identify functions coming from libclc ( OpenCL-C builtin library ).

The counted_by attribute is now allowed on pointers that are members of a struct in C.

The counted_by attribute can now be late parsed in C when -fexperimental-late-parse-attributes is passed but only when attribute is used in the declaration attribute position. This allows using the attribute on existing code where it previously impossible to do so without re-ordering struct field declarations would break ABI as shown below.

The attributes sized_by , counted_by_or_null and sized_by_or_null` have been added as variants on counted_by , each with slightly different semantics. sized_by takes a byte size parameter instead of an element count, allowing pointees with unknown size. The counted_by_or_null and sized_by_or_null variants are equivalent to their base variants, except the pointer can be null regardless of count/size value. If the pointer is null the size is effectively 0. sized_by_or_null is needed to properly annotate allocator functions like malloc that return a buffer of a given byte size, but can also return null.

The guarded_by , pt_guarded_by , acquired_after , acquired_before attributes now support referencing struct members in C. The arguments are also now late parsed when -fexperimental-late-parse-attributes is passed like for counted_by .

Introduced new function type attributes [[clang::nonblocking]] , [[clang::nonallocating]] , [[clang::blocking]] , and [[clang::allocating]] , with GNU-style variants as well. The attributes declare constraints about a function’s behavior pertaining to blocking and heap memory allocation.

The hybrid_patchable attribute is now supported on ARM64EC targets. It can be used to specify that a function requires an additional x86-64 thunk, which may be patched at runtime.

Improvements to Clang’s diagnostics ¶

Clang now emits an error instead of a warning for -Wundefined-internal when compiling with -pedantic-errors to conform to the C standard

Clang now applies syntax highlighting to the code snippets it prints.

Clang now diagnoses member template declarations with multiple declarators.

Clang now diagnoses use of the template keyword after declarative nested name specifiers.

of -Wconversion . Fixes #69444 .

Clang now uses thousand separators when printing large numbers in integer overflow diagnostics. Fixes #80939 .

Clang now diagnoses friend declarations with an enum elaborated-type-specifier in language modes after C++98.

Added diagnostics for C11 keywords being incompatible with language standards before C11, under a new warning group: -Wpre-c11-compat .

Now diagnoses an enumeration constant whose value is larger than can be represented by unsigned long long , which can happen with a large constant using the wb or uwb suffix. The maximal underlying type is currently unsigned long long , but this behavior may change in the future when Clang implements WG14 N3029 . ( #69352 ).

Clang now diagnoses extraneous template parameter lists as a language extension.

Clang now diagnoses declarative nested name specifiers that name alias templates.

Clang now diagnoses lambda function expressions being implicitly cast to boolean values, under -Wpointer-bool-conversion . Fixes #82512 .

Clang now provides improved warnings for the cleanup attribute to detect misuse scenarios, such as attempting to call free on an unallocated object. Fixes #79443 .

Clang no longer warns when the bitand operator is used with boolean operands, distinguishing it from potential typographical errors or unintended bitwise operations. Fixes #77601 .

Clang now correctly diagnoses no arguments to a variadic macro parameter as a C23/C++20 extension. Fixes #84495 .

Clang no longer emits a -Wexit-time destructors warning on static variables explicitly annotated with the clang::always_destroy attribute. Fixes #68686 , #86486

-Wmicrosoft , -Wgnu , or -pedantic is now required to diagnose C99 flexible array members in a union or alone in a struct. Fixes GH#84565.

Clang now no longer diagnoses type definitions in offsetof in C23 mode. Fixes #83658 .

New -Wformat-signedness diagnostic that warn if the format string requires an unsigned argument and the argument is signed and vice versa.

Clang now emits unused argument warning when the -fmodule-output flag is used with an input that is not of type c++-module.

Clang emits a -Wreturn-stack-address warning if a function returns a pointer or reference to a struct literal. Fixes #8678

Clang emits a -Wunused-but-set-variable warning on C++ variables whose declaration (with initializer) entirely consist the condition expression of a if/while/for construct but are not actually used in the body of the if/while/for construct. Fixes #41447

Clang emits a diagnostic when a tentative array definition is assumed to have a single element, but that diagnostic was never given a diagnostic group. Added the -Wtentative-definition-array warning group to cover this. Fixes #87766

Clang now uses the correct type-parameter-key ( class or typename ) when printing template template parameter declarations.

Clang now diagnoses requires expressions with explicit object parameters.

Clang now looks up members of the current instantiation in the template definition context if the current instantiation has no dependent base classes.

Clang emits a -Wparentheses warning for expressions with consecutive comparisons like x < y < z . Fixes #20456 .

Clang no longer emits a “declared here” note for a builtin function that has no declaration in source. Fixes #93369 .

Clang now has an improved error message for captures that refer to a class member. Fixes #94764 .

Clang now diagnoses unsupported class declarations for std::initializer_list<E> when they are used rather than when they are needed for constant evaluation or when code is generated for them. The check is now stricter to prevent crashes for some unsupported declarations (Fixes #95495 ).

Clang now diagnoses dangling cases where a pointer is assigned to a temporary that will be destroyed at the end of the full expression. Fixes #54492 .

Clang now shows implicit deduction guides when diagnosing overload resolution failure. #92393 .

Clang no longer emits a “no previous prototype” warning for Win32 entry points under -Wmissing-prototypes . Fixes #94366 .

For the ARM target, calling an interrupt handler from another function is now an error. #95359 .

Clang now diagnoses integer constant expressions that are folded to a constant value as an extension in more circumstances. Fixes #59863

Clang now diagnoses dangling assignments for pointer-like objects (annotated with [[gsl::Pointer]] ) under -Wdangling-assignment-gsl (off by default) Fixes #63310 .

Clang now diagnoses uses of alias templates with a deprecated attribute. (Fixes #18236 ).

Clang now diagnoses undefined behavior in constant expressions more consistently. This includes invalid shifts, and signed overflow in arithmetic.

Clang now diagnoses dangling references to fields of temporary objects. Fixes #81589 .

Improvements to Clang’s time-trace ¶

Clang now specifies that using auto in a lambda parameter is a C++14 extension when appropriate. ( #46059: ).

Clang now adds source file infomation for template instantiations as event["args"]["filename"] . This added behind an option -ftime-trace-verbose . This is expected to increase the size of trace by 2-3 times.

Improvements to Coverage Mapping ¶

Macros defined in system headers are not expanded in coverage mapping. Conditional expressions in system header macros are no longer taken into account for branch coverage. They can be included with -mllvm -system-headers-coverage . ( #78920: )

MC/DC Coverage has been improved. ( #82448: )

The maximum number of conditions is no longer limited to 6. See this <SourceBasedCodeCoverage.html#mc-dc-instrumentation> for more details.

Bug Fixes in This Version ¶

Clang’s -Wundefined-func-template no longer warns on pure virtual functions. ( #74016 )

Fixed missing warnings when comparing mismatched enumeration constants in C ( #29217 )

Clang now accepts elaborated-type-specifiers that explicitly specialize a member class template for an implicit instantiation of a class template.

Fixed missing warnings when doing bool-like conversions in C23 ( #79435 ).

Clang’s -Wshadow no longer warns when an init-capture is named the same as a class field unless the lambda can capture this. Fixes ( #71976 )

Clang now accepts qualified partial/explicit specializations of variable templates that are not nominable in the lookup context of the specialization.

Clang now doesn’t produce false-positive warning -Wconstant-logical-operand for logical operators in C23. Fixes ( #64356 ).

__is_trivially_relocatable no longer returns false for volatile-qualified types. Fixes ( #77091 ).

Clang no longer produces a false-positive -Wunused-variable warning for variables created through copy initialization having side-effects in C++17 and later. Fixes ( #64356 ) ( #79518 ).

Fix value of predefined macro __FUNCTION__ in MSVC compatibility mode. Fixes ( #66114 ).

Clang now emits errors for explicit specializations/instatiations of lambda call operator. Fixes ( #83267 ).

Fix crash on ill-formed partial specialization with CRTP. Fixes ( #89374 ).

Clang now correctly generates overloads for bit-precise integer types for builtin operators in C++. Fixes #82998 .

Fix crash when destructor definition is preceded with an equals sign. Fixes ( #89544 ).

When performing mixed arithmetic between _Complex floating-point types and integers, Clang now correctly promotes the integer to its corresponding real floating-point type only rather than to the complex type (e.g. _Complex float / int is now evaluated as _Complex float / float rather than _Complex float / _Complex float ), as mandated by the C standard. This significantly improves codegen of * and / especially. Fixes #31205 .

Fixes an assertion failure on invalid code when trying to define member functions in lambdas.

Fixed a regression in CTAD that a friend declaration that befriends itself may cause incorrect constraint substitution. ( #86769 ).

Fixed an assertion failure on invalid InitListExpr in C89 mode ( #88008 ).

Fixed missing destructor calls when we branch from middle of an expression. This could happen through a branch in stmt-expr or in an expression containing a coroutine suspension. Fixes ( #63818 ) ( #88478 ).

Clang will no longer diagnose an erroneous non-dependent switch condition during instantiation, and instead will only diagnose it once, during checking of the function template.

Clang now allows the value of unroll count to be zero in #pragma GCC unroll and #pragma unroll . The values of 0 and 1 block any unrolling of the loop. This keeps the same behavior with GCC. Fixes ( #88624 ).

Clang will no longer emit a duplicate -Wunused-value warning for an expression (A, B) which evaluates to glvalue B that can be converted to non ODR-use. ( #45783 )

Clang now correctly disallows VLA type compound literals, e.g. (int[size]){} , as the C standard mandates. ( #89835 )

__is_array and __is_bounded_array no longer return true for zero-sized arrays. Fixes ( #54705 ).

Correctly reject declarations where a statement is required in C. Fixes #92775

Fixed static_cast to array of unknown bound. Fixes ( #62863 ).

Fixed Clang crashing when failing to perform some C++ Initialization Sequences. ( #98102 )

__is_trivially_equality_comparable no longer returns true for types which have a constrained defaulted comparison operator ( #89293 ).

Fixed Clang from generating dangling StringRefs when deserializing Exprs & Stmts ( #98667 )

__has_unique_object_representations correctly handles arrays of unknown bounds of types by ensuring they are complete and instantiating them if needed. Fixes ( #95311 ).

typeof_unqual now properly removes type qualifiers from arrays and their element types. ( #92667 )

Fixed an assertion failure when a template non-type parameter contains an invalid expression.

Fixed the definition of ATOMIC_FLAG_INIT in <stdatomic.h> so it can be used in C++.

Bug Fixes to Compiler Builtins ¶

Fix crash when atomic builtins are called with pointer to zero-size struct ( #90330 )

Clang now allows pointee types of atomic builtin arguments to be complete template types that was not instantiated elsewhere.

Bug Fixes to Attribute Support ¶

Bug fixes to c++ support ¶.

Fix crash when calling the constructor of an invalid class. ( #10518 ) ( #67914 ) ( #78388 )

Fix crash when using lifetimebound attribute in function with trailing return. ( #73619 )

Addressed an issue where constraints involving injected class types are perceived distinct from its specialization types. ( #56482 )

Fixed a bug where variables referenced by requires-clauses inside nested generic lambdas were not properly injected into the constraint scope. ( #73418 )

Fixed a crash where substituting into a requires-expression that refers to function parameters during the equivalence determination of two constraint expressions. ( #74447 )

Fixed deducing auto& from const int in template parameters of partial specializations. ( #77189 )

Fix for crash when using a erroneous type in a return statement. ( #63244 ) ( #79745 )

Fixed an out-of-bounds error caused by building a recovery expression for ill-formed function calls while substituting into constraints. ( #58548 )

Fix incorrect code generation caused by the object argument of static operator() and static operator[] calls not being evaluated. ( #67976 )

Fix crash and diagnostic with const qualified member operator new. Fixes ( #79748 )

Fixed a crash where substituting into a requires-expression that involves parameter packs during the equivalence determination of two constraint expressions. ( #72557 )

Fix a crash when specializing an out-of-line member function with a default parameter where we did an incorrect specialization of the initialization of the default parameter. ( #68490 )

Fix a crash when trying to call a varargs function that also has an explicit object parameter. Fixes ( #80971 )

Reject explicit object parameters on new and delete operators. ( #82249 )

Fix a crash when trying to call a varargs function that also has an explicit object parameter. ( #80971 )

Fixed a bug where abbreviated function templates would append their invented template parameters to an empty template parameter lists.

Fix parsing of abominable function types inside type traits. Fixes #77585

Clang now classifies aggregate initialization in C++17 and newer as constant or non-constant more accurately. Previously, only a subset of the initializer elements were considered, misclassifying some initializers as constant. Partially fixes #80510 .

Clang now ignores top-level cv-qualifiers on function parameters in template partial orderings. ( #75404 )

No longer reject valid use of the _Alignas specifier when declaring a local variable, which is supported as a C11 extension in C++. Previously, it was only accepted at namespace scope but not at local function scope.

Clang no longer tries to call consteval constructors at runtime when they appear in a member initializer. ( #82154 )

Fix crash when using an immediate-escalated function at global scope. ( #82258 )

Correctly immediate-escalate lambda conversion functions. ( #82258 )

Fixed an issue where template parameters of a nested abbreviated generic lambda within a requires-clause lie at the same depth as those of the surrounding lambda. This, in turn, results in the wrong template argument substitution during constraint checking. ( #78524 )

Clang no longer instantiates the exception specification of discarded candidate function templates when determining the primary template of an explicit specialization.

Fixed a crash in Microsoft compatibility mode where unqualified dependent base class lookup searches the bases of an incomplete class.

Fix a crash when an unresolved overload set is encountered on the RHS of a .* operator. ( #53815 )

In __restrict -qualified member functions, attach __restrict to the pointer type of this rather than the pointee type. Fixes ( #82941 ), ( #42411 ) and ( #18121 ).

Clang now properly reports supported C++11 attributes when using __has_cpp_attribute and parses attributes with arguments in C++03 ( #82995 )

Clang now properly diagnoses missing ‘default’ template arguments on a variety of templates. Previously we were diagnosing on any non-function template instead of only on class, alias, and variable templates, as last updated by CWG2032. Fixes ( #83461 )

Fixed an issue where an attribute on a declarator would cause the attribute to be destructed prematurely. This fixes a pair of Chromium that were brought to our attention by an attempt to fix in ( #77703 ). Fixes ( #83385 ).

Fix evaluation of some immediate calls in default arguments. Fixes ( #80630 )

Fixed an issue where the RequiresExprBody was involved in the lambda dependency calculation. ( #56556 ), ( #82849 ).

Fix a bug where overload resolution falsely reported an ambiguity when it was comparing a member-function against a non member function or a member-function with an explicit object parameter against a member function with no explicit object parameter when one of the function had more specialized templates. Fixes #82509 and #74494

Clang now supports direct lambda calls inside of a type alias template declarations. This addresses ( #70601 ), ( #76674 ), ( #79555 ), ( #81145 ) and ( #82104 ).

Allow access to a public template alias declaration that refers to friend’s private nested type. ( #25708 ).

Fixed a crash in constant evaluation when trying to access a captured this pointer in a lambda with an explicit object parameter. Fixes ( #80997 )

Fix an issue where missing set friend declaration in template class instantiation. Fixes ( #84368 ).

Fixed a crash while checking constraints of a trailing requires-expression of a lambda, that the expression references to an entity declared outside of the lambda. ( #64808 )

Clang’s __builtin_bit_cast will now produce a constant value for records with empty bases. See: ( #82383 )

Fix a crash when instantiating a lambda that captures this outside of its context. Fixes ( #85343 ).

Fix an issue where a namespace alias could be defined using a qualified name (all name components following the first :: were ignored).

Fix an out-of-bounds crash when checking the validity of template partial specializations. (part of #86757 ).

Fix an issue caused by not handling invalid cases when substituting into the parameter mapping of a constraint. Fixes ( #86757 ).

Fixed a bug that prevented member function templates of class templates declared with a deduced return type from being explicitly specialized for a given implicit instantiation of the class template.

Fixed a crash when this is used in a dependent class scope function template specialization that instantiates to a static member function.

Fix crash when inheriting from a cv-qualified type. Fixes #35603

Fix a crash when the using enum declaration uses an anonymous enumeration. Fixes ( #86790 ).

Handled an edge case in getFullyPackExpandedSize so that we now avoid a false-positive diagnostic. ( #84220 )

Clang now correctly tracks type dependence of by-value captures in lambdas with an explicit object parameter. Fixes ( #70604 ), ( #79754 ), ( #84163 ), ( #84425 ), ( #86054 ), ( #86398 ), and ( #86399 ).

Fix a crash when deducing auto from an invalid dereference ( #88329 ).

Fix a crash in requires expression with templated base class member function. Fixes ( #84020 ).

Fix a crash caused by defined struct in a type alias template when the structure has fields with dependent type. Fixes ( #75221 ).

Fix the Itanium mangling of lambdas defined in a member of a local class ( #88906 )

Fixed a crash when trying to evaluate a user-defined static_assert message whose size() function returns a large or negative value. Fixes ( #89407 ).

Fixed a use-after-free bug in parsing of type constraints with default arguments that involve lambdas. ( #67235 )

Fixed bug in which the body of a consteval lambda within a template was not parsed as within an immediate function context.

Fix CTAD for std::initializer_list . This allows std::initializer_list{1, 2, 3} to be deduced as std::initializer_list<int> as intended.

Fix a bug on template partial specialization whose template parameter is decltype(auto) .

Fix a bug on template partial specialization with issue on deduction of nontype template parameter whose type is decltype(auto) . Fixes ( #68885 ).

Clang now correctly treats the noexcept-specifier of a friend function to be a complete-class context.

Fix an assertion failure when parsing an invalid members of an anonymous class. ( #85447 )

Fixed a misuse of UnresolvedLookupExpr for ill-formed templated expressions. Fixes ( #48673 ), ( #63243 ) and ( #88832 ).

Clang now defers all substitution into the exception specification of a function template specialization until the noexcept-specifier is instantiated.

Fix a crash when an implicitly declared operator== function with a trailing requires-clause has its constraints compared to that of another declaration.

Fix a bug where explicit specializations of member functions/function templates would have substitution performed incorrectly when checking constraints. Fixes ( #90349 ).

Clang now allows constrained member functions to be explicitly specialized for an implicit instantiation of a class template.

Fix a C++23 bug in implementation of P2564R3 which evaluates immediate invocations in place within initializers for variables that are usable in constant expressions or are constant initialized, rather than evaluating them as a part of the larger manifestly constant evaluated expression.

Fix a bug in access control checking due to dealyed checking of friend declaration. Fixes ( #12361 ).

Correctly treat the compound statement of an if consteval as an immediate context. Fixes ( #91509 ).

When partial ordering alias templates against template template parameters, allow pack expansions when the alias has a fixed-size parameter list. Fixes ( #62529 ).

Clang now ignores template parameters only used within the exception specification of candidate function templates during partial ordering when deducing template arguments from a function declaration or when taking the address of a function template.

Fix a bug with checking constrained non-type template parameters for equivalence. Fixes ( #77377 ).

Fix a bug where the last argument was not considered when considering the most viable function for explicit object argument member functions. Fixes ( #92188 ).

Fix a C++11 crash when a non-const non-static member function is defined out-of-line with the constexpr specifier. Fixes ( #61004 ).

Clang no longer transforms dependent qualified names into implicit class member access expressions until it can be determined whether the name is that of a non-static member.

Clang now correctly diagnoses when the current instantiation is used as an incomplete base class.

Clang no longer treats constexpr class scope function template specializations of non-static members as implicitly const in language modes after C++11.

Fixed a crash when trying to emit captures in a lambda call operator with an explicit object parameter that is called on a derived type of the lambda. Fixes ( #87210 ), (GH89541).

Clang no longer tries to check if an expression is immediate-escalating in an unevaluated context. Fixes ( #91308 ).

Fix a crash caused by a regression in the handling of source_location in dependent contexts. Fixes ( #92680 ).

Fixed a crash when diagnosing failed conversions involving template parameter packs. ( #93076 )

Fixed a regression introduced in Clang 18 causing a static function overloading a non-static function with the same parameters not to be diagnosed. (Fixes #93456 ).

Clang now diagnoses unexpanded parameter packs in attributes. (Fixes #93269 ).

Clang now allows @$` in raw string literals. Fixes ( #93130 ).

Fix an assertion failure when checking invalid this usage in the wrong context. (Fixes #91536 ).

Clang no longer models dependent NTTP arguments as TemplateParamObjectDecl s. Fixes ( #84052 ).

Fix incorrect merging of modules which contain using declarations which shadow other declarations. This could manifest as ODR checker false positives. Fixes ( #80252 )

Fix a regression introduced in Clang 18 causing incorrect overload resolution in the presence of functions only differering by their constraints when only one of these function was variadic.

Fix a crash when a variable is captured by a block nested inside a lambda. (Fixes #93625 ).

Fixed a type constraint substitution issue involving a generic lambda expression. ( #93821 )

Fix a crash caused by improper use of __array_extent . ( #80474 )

Fixed several bugs in capturing variables within unevaluated contexts. ( #63845 ), ( #67260 ), ( #69307 ), ( #88081 ), ( #89496 ), ( #90669 ), ( #91633 ) and ( #97453 ).

Fixed a crash in constraint instantiation under nested lambdas with dependent parameters.

Fixed handling of brace ellison when building deduction guides. ( #64625 ), ( #83368 ).

Fixed a failed assertion when attempting to convert an integer representing the difference between the addresses of two labels (a GNU extension) to a pointer within a constant expression. ( #95366 ).

Fix immediate escalation bugs in the presence of dependent call arguments. ( #94935 )

Clang now diagnoses explicit specializations with storage class specifiers in all contexts.

Fix an assertion failure caused by parsing a lambda used as a default argument for the value of a forward-declared class. ( #93512 ).

Fixed a bug in access checking inside return-type-requirement of compound requirements. ( #93788 ).

Fixed an assertion failure about invalid conversion when calling lambda. ( #96205 ).

Fixed a bug where the first operand of binary operator& would be transformed as if it was the operand of the address of operator. ( #97483 ).

Fixed an assertion failure about a constant expression which is a known integer but is not evaluated to an integer. ( #96670 ).

Fixed a bug where references to lambda capture inside a noexcept specifier were not correctly instantiated. ( #95735 ).

Fixed a CTAD substitution bug involving type aliases that reference outer template parameters. ( #94614 ).

Clang now correctly handles unexpanded packs in the template parameter list of a generic lambda expression ( #48937 )

Fix a crash when parsing an invalid type-requirement in a requires expression. ( #51868 )

Fix parsing of built-in type-traits such as __is_pointer in libstdc++ headers. ( #95598 )

Fixed failed assertion when resolving context of defaulted comparison method outside of struct. ( #96043 ).

Clang now diagnoses explicit object parameters in member pointers and other contexts where they should not appear. Fixes ( #85992 ).

Fixed a crash-on-invalid bug involving extraneous template parameter with concept substitution. ( #73885 )

Fixed assertion failure by skipping the analysis of an invalid field declaration. ( #99868 )

Fix an issue with dependent source location expressions ( #106428 ), ( #81155 ), ( #80210 ), ( #85373 )

Fix handling of _ as the name of a lambda’s init capture variable. ( #107024 )

Bug Fixes to AST Handling ¶

Clang now properly preserves FoundDecls within a ConceptReference . ( #82628 )

The presence of the typename keyword is now stored in TemplateTemplateParmDecl .

Fixed malformed AST generated for anonymous union access in templates. ( #90842 )

Improved preservation of qualifiers and sugar in TemplateNames , including template keyword.

Miscellaneous Bug Fixes ¶

Fixed an infinite recursion in ASTImporter, on return type declared inside body of C++11 lambda without trailing return ( #68775 ).

Fixed declaration name source location of instantiated function definitions (GH71161).

Improve diagnostic output to print an expression instead of ‘no argument` when comparing Values as template arguments.

Miscellaneous Clang Crashes Fixed ¶

Do not attempt to dump the layout of dependent types or invalid declarations when -fdump-record-layouts-complete is passed. Fixes #83684 .

Unhandled StructuralValues in the template differ ( #93068 ).

OpenACC Specific Changes ¶

Target specific changes ¶, amdgpu support ¶, x86 support ¶.

Remove knl/knm specific ISA supports: AVX512PF, AVX512ER, PREFETCHWT1

Support has been removed for the AMD “3DNow!” instruction-set. Neither modern AMD CPUs, nor any Intel CPUs implement these instructions, and they were never widely used.

The options -m3dnow and -m3dnowa are no longer honored, and will emit a warning if used.

The macros __3dNOW__ and __3dNOW_A__ are no longer ever set by the compiler.

The header <mm3dnow.h> is deprecated, and emits a warning if included.

The 3dNow intrinsic functions have been removed: _m_femms , _m_pavgusb , _m_pf2id , _m_pfacc , _m_pfadd , _m_pfcmpeq , _m_pfcmpge , _m_pfcmpgt , _m_pfmax , _m_pfmin , _m_pfmul , _m_pfrcp , _m_pfrcpit1 , _m_pfrcpit2 , _m_pfrsqrt , _m_pfrsqrtit1 , _m_pfsub , _m_pfsubr , _m_pi2fd , _m_pmulhrw , _m_pf2iw , _m_pfnacc , _m_pfpnacc , _m_pi2fw , _m_pswapdsf , _m_pswapdsi .

The compiler builtins corresponding to each of the above intrinsics have also been removed ( __builtin_ia32_femms , and so on).

“3DNow!” instructions remain supported in assembly code, including inside inline-assembly.

Android Support ¶

Windows support ¶.

The clang-cl /Ot compiler option (“optimize for speed”, also implied by /O2 ) now maps to clang’s -O3 optimizataztion level instead of -O2 . Users who prefer the old behavior can use clang-cl /Ot /clang:-O2 ... .

Clang-cl now supports function targets with intrinsic headers. This allows for runtime feature detection of intrinsics. Previously under clang-cl immintrin.h and similar intrinsic headers would only include the intrinsics if building with that feature enabled at compile time, e.g. avxintrin.h would only be included if AVX was enabled at compile time. This was done to work around include times from MSVC STL including intrin.h under clang-cl. Clang-cl now provides intrin0.h for MSVC STL and therefore all intrinsic features without requiring enablement at compile time. Fixes #53520

Improved compile times with MSVC STL. MSVC provides intrin0.h which is a header that only includes intrinsics that are used by MSVC STL to avoid the use of intrin.h . MSVC STL when compiled under clang uses intrin.h instead. Clang-cl now provides intrin0.h for the same compiler throughput purposes as MSVC. Clang-cl also provides yvals_core.h to redefine _STL_INTRIN_HEADER to expand to intrin0.h instead of intrin.h . This also means that if all intrinsic features are enabled at compile time including STL headers will no longer slow down compile times since intrin.h is not included from MSVC STL.

When the target triple is *-windows-msvc strict aliasing is now disabled by default to ensure compatibility with msvc. Previously strict aliasing was only disabled if the driver mode was cl.

LoongArch Support ¶

-march=la64v1.0 and -march=la64v1.1 have been added to select the la64v1.0 and la64v1.1 architecture respectively. And -march=la664 is added to support the la664 micro-architecture.

The 128-bits SIMD extension ( LSX ) is enabled by default.

-msimd= has beend added to select the SIMD extension(s) to be enabled.

Predefined macros __loongarch_simd_width and __loongarch_frecipe are added.

RISC-V Support ¶

__attribute__((rvv_vector_bits(N))) is now supported for RVV vbool*_t types.

Profile names in -march option are now supported.

Passing empty structs/unions as arguments in C++ is now handled correctly. The behavior is similar to GCC’s.

-m[no-]scalar-strict-align and -m[no-]vector-strict-align options have been added to give separate control of whether scalar or vector misaligned accesses may be created. -m[no-]strict-align applies to both scalar and vector.

PowerPC Support ¶

Clang now emits errors for impossible __attribute__((musttail)) .

Added support for -mcpu=[pwr11 | power11] and -mtune=[pwr11 | power11] .

Added support for builtin_cpu_supports on AIX, along with a subset of features that can be queried.

CUDA/HIP Language Changes ¶

PTX is no longer included by default when compiling for CUDA. Using --cuda-include-ptx=all will return the old behavior.

CUDA Support ¶

Clang now supports CUDA SDK up to 12.5

AIX Support ¶

Introduced the -maix-small-local-dynamic-tls option to produce a faster access sequence for local-dynamic TLS variables where the offset from the TLS base is encoded as an immediate operand. This access sequence is not used for TLS variables larger than 32KB, and is currently only supported on 64-bit mode.

Introduced the options -mtocdata/-mno-tocdata to enable/disable TOC data transformations for the listed suitable variables.

Introduced the -maix-shared-lib-tls-model-opt option to enable the tuning of changing local-dynamic mode access(es) to initial-exec access(es) at the function level on 64-bit mode.

Clang now emits errors for -gdwarf-5 .

Added the support of the OpenMP runtime libomp on AIX. OpenMP applications can be compiled with -fopenmp and execute on AIX.

NetBSD Support ¶

Removed support for building NetBSD/i386 6.x or older binaries.

WebAssembly Support ¶

The -mcpu=generic configuration now enables multivalue and reference-types. These proposals are standardized and available in all major engines. Enabling multivalue here only enables the language feature but does not turn on the multivalue ABI (this enables non-ABI uses of multivalue, like exnref).

AVR Support ¶

Dwarf support in clang ¶, floating point support in clang ¶.

Add __builtin__fmaf16 builtin for floating point types.

Fixed Point Support in Clang ¶

Support fixed point precision macros according to 7.18a.3 of ISO/IEC TR 18037:2008 .

AST Matchers ¶

Fixes a long-standing performance issue in parent map generation for ancestry-based matchers such as hasParent and hasAncestor , making them significantly faster.

isInStdNamespace now supports Decl declared with extern "C++" .

Add isExplicitObjectMemberFunction .

Fixed forEachArgumentWithParam and forEachArgumentWithParamType to not skip the explicit object parameter for operator calls.

Fixed captureVars assertion failure if not capturesVariables. ( #76425 )

forCallable now properly preserves binding on successful match. ( #89657 )

clang-format ¶

AlwaysBreakTemplateDeclarations is deprecated and renamed to BreakTemplateDeclarations .

AlwaysBreakAfterReturnType is deprecated and renamed to BreakAfterReturnType .

Handles Java switch expressions.

Adds AllowShortCaseExpressionOnASingleLine option.

Adds AlignCaseArrows suboption to AlignConsecutiveShortCaseStatements .

Adds LeftWithLastLine suboption to AlignEscapedNewlines .

Adds KeepEmptyLines option to deprecate KeepEmptyLinesAtEOF and KeepEmptyLinesAtTheStartOfBlocks .

Add ExceptDoubleParentheses sub-option for SpacesInParensOptions to override addition of spaces between multiple, non-redundant parentheses similar to the rules used for RemoveParentheses .

clang_getSpellingLocation now correctly resolves macro expansions; that is, it returns the spelling location instead of the expansion location.

Static Analyzer ¶

New features ¶.

The attribute [[clang::suppress]] can now be applied to declarations. ( #80371 )

Support C++23 static operator calls. ( #84972 )

Crash and bug fixes ¶

Fixed crashing on loops if the loop variable was declared in switch blocks but not under any case blocks if unroll-loops=true analyzer config is set. ( #68819 )

Fixed a crash in security.cert.env.InvalidPtr checker when accidentally matched user-defined strerror and similar library functions. ( #88181 )

Fixed a crash when storing through an address that refers to the address of a label. ( #89185 )

Fixed a crash when using __builtin_bitcast(type, array) as an array subscript. ( #94496 )

Z3 crosschecking (aka. Z3 refutation) is now bounded, and can’t consume more total time than the eymbolic execution itself. ( #97298 )

In clang-18, we regressed in terms of analysis time for projects having many nested loops with buffer indexing or shifting or other binary operations. For example, functions computing different hash values. Some of this slowdown was attributed to taint analysis, which is fixed now. ( #105493 )

std::addressof , std::as_const , std::forward , std::forward_like , std::move , std::move_if_noexcept , are now modeled just like their builtin counterpart. ( #94193 )

Improvements ¶

Moved checkers ¶.

Moved alpha.cplusplus.ArrayDelete out of the alpha package to cplusplus.ArrayDelete . ( #83985 ) Documentation .

Moved alpha.unix.Stream out of the alpha package to unix.Stream . ( #89247 ) Documentation .

Moved alpha.unix.BlockInCriticalSection out of the alpha package to unix.BlockInCriticalSection . ( #93815 ) Documentation .

Moved out of the alpha package to security.PutenvStackArray . ( #92424 , #93815 ) Documentation .

Moved alpha.core.SizeofPtr into clang-tidy bugprone-sizeof-expression . ( #95118 , #94356 ) Documentation .

Sanitizers ¶

-fsanitize=signed-integer-overflow now instruments signed arithmetic even when -fwrapv is enabled. Previously, only division checks were enabled.

Users with -fwrapv as well as a sanitizer group like -fsanitize=undefined or -fsanitize=integer enabled may want to manually disable potentially noisy signed integer overflow checks with -fno-sanitize=signed-integer-overflow

-fsanitize=cfi -fsanitize-cfi-cross-dso (cross-DSO CFI instrumentation) now generates the __cfi_check function with proper target-specific attributes, for example allowing unwind table generation.

Python Binding Changes ¶

Exposed CXRewriter API as class Rewriter .

Add some missing kinds from Index.h (CursorKind: 149-156, 272-320, 420-437. TemplateArgumentKind: 5-9. TypeKind: 161-175 and 178).

Add support for retrieving binary operator information through Cursor.binary_operator().

OpenMP Support ¶

Added support for the [[omp::assume]] attribute.

AIX added an include directory for omp.h at /opt/IBM/openxlCSDK/include/openmp .

Additional Information ¶

A wide variety of additional information is available on the Clang web page . The web page contains versions of the API documentation which are up-to-date with the Git version of the source code. You can access versions of these documents specific to this release by going into the “ clang/docs/ ” directory in the Clang tree.

If you have any questions or comments about Clang, please feel free to contact us on the Discourse forums (Clang Frontend category) .


  1. Assignment makes pointer from integer without cast

    However, this returns a char. So your assignment. cString1 = strToLower(cString1); has different types on each side of the assignment operator .. you're actually assigning a 'char' (sort of integer) to an array, which resolves to a simple pointer. Due to C++'s implicit conversion rules this works, but the result is rubbish and further access to ...

  2. C pointers and arrays: [Warning] assignment makes pointer from integer

    In this case a[4] is the 5th integer in the array a, ap is a pointer to integer, so you are assigning an integer to a pointer and that's the warning. So ap now holds 45 and when you try to de-reference it (by doing *ap) you are trying to access a memory at address 45, which is an invalid address, so your program crashes.. You should do ap = &(a[4]); or ap = a + 4;

  3. [C] Cannot get rid of a [-Wint-conversion] warning

    initialization makes pointer from integer without a cast You are initializing your reversed_arr variable, which is a pointer to a char, with the result of the reverse function, which returns a char (which is basically an integer), which is why you are getting your warning. You could try: char *reversed_arr = (char *) reverse(arr);

  4. Warning Options (Using the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC))

    Warn whenever a pointer is cast such that the required alignment of the target is increased. For example, warn if a char * is cast to an int * on machines where integers can only be accessed at two- or four-byte boundaries. -Wcast-align=strict ¶ Warn whenever a pointer is cast such that the required alignment of the target is increased.

  5. Makes Integer From Pointer Without A Cast (Resolved)

    Converting Integers to Pointers {#converting-integers-to-pointers} To convert an integer to a pointer, follow these steps: Include the <stdint.h> header (C) or the <cstdint> header (C++) in your program. Cast your integer to the required pointer type using a double cast. int a = 42; uintptr_t int_ptr = (uintptr_t)&a;

  6. Assignment makes integer from pointer without a cast in c

    If you read this far, tweet to the author to show them you care. Tweet a Thanks

  7. [SOLVED] C

    Re: C - assigment makes integer from pointer without a cast warning. path [1] is the second element of a char array, so it's a char. home is a char *, i.e. a pointer to a char. You get the warning because you try to assign a char* to a char. Note also the potential to overflow your buffer if the content of the argv [1] argument is very long.

  8. 67759

    GCC Bugzilla - Bug 67759 [4.9 only] Missing warning "makes pointer from integer without a cast" after multiline assert ... t9.c:18:6: warning: passing argument 1 of 'get' makes pointer from integer without a cast [-Wint-conversion] get(1); ^ t9.c:10:7: note: expected 'void *' but argument is of type 'int' void *get(void *con ...

  9. "assignment makes integer from pointer without a cast -wint-conversion

    "m" is a string literal, so its type is char *, a pointer. You need 'm', a character literal

  10. 110179

    I just tried a build of gcc trunk with clang 16.04 on x86_64. It said: libgcc/unwind-dw2-fde-dip.c:406:16: warning: assignment to '_Unwind_Ptr' {aka 'long unsigned int'} from 'const unsigned char *' makes integer from pointer without a cast [-Wint-conversion] Git blame says: 49310a9933 (Florian Weimer 2023-06-06 11:01:07 +0200 406) eh_frame = p + value; This warning might be worth ...

  11. Makes Pointer From Integer Without a Cast: Fix It Now!

    How To Stop a Pointer Creation From an Integer Without a Cast. - Use Equal Data Types During Assignment. - Ensure the Pointer and Integer Have the Same Sizes. - Pass a "Format String" to the "Printf ()" Function. - Use a Function That Returns a Pointer to "Struct _IO_file". - Copy the String to Character Array or Character ...

  12. My C program returns error? Warning: initialization makes integer from

    warning: initialization makes integer from pointer without a cast [-Wint-conversion]| What I have tried: I have tried stackoverflow,I have also looked all over google but couldnt find the awnser.I also tried quora

  13. Warning: Initialization makes integer from pointer without a cast

    return 0; } For each line where I'm trying to initialize each index of the schedule array, the. compiler gives me the warning "initialization makes integer from pointer without a cast" and I can't figure out why. To test to see if my code was correct or not, I used a simple printf ( ) statement, and all I got for the output was zero, so I'm ...

  14. compiler warning: pointer from integer without a cast

    passing argument 3 of 'sd_ppi_channel_assign' makes pointer from integer without a cast [-Wint-conversion] All seems to work, but would appreciate understanding the warnings. Many thanks, Tim. Hi, From what I can tell, the two are equivalent (except for the second one missing the call to APP_ERROR_CHECK ()).

  15. c

    1. Earlier, I asked a similar question, but I've since changed my code. Now the compiler gives me a different warning. This is an example of what my code looks like now: void *a = NULL; void *b = //something; a = *(int *)((char *)b + 4); When I try to compile, I get "warning: assignment makes pointer from integer without a cast."

  16. What is the meaning of "warning: assignment makes integer from pointer

    In C, the warning "assignment makes integer from pointer without a cast [Wint conversion]" typically occurs when you are trying to assign a pointer value to an integer variable without explicitly converting the pointer to an integer. This warning is generated by the compiler to alert you to a potential mistake in your code.

  17. C语言assignment makes pointer from integer without a cast

    C语言assignment makes pointer from integer without a cast. 这个警告的意思是将一个int整数值直接赋值给了一个指针变量。. (重点是类型不一致). 消除警告的方法就是明确类型转换是否是正确的,如果确实要把整数变量赋予指针变量,那么请使用 强制类型转换。. 否则 ...

  18. Assignment makes pointer from integer without a cast

    This is the mail archive of the [email protected] mailing ... Other format: Assignment makes pointer from integer without a cast. From: Lord Byron <lordbyronbr at yahoo dot com> To: gcc at gcc dot gnu dot org; Date: Wed, 20 Mar 2002 05:16:25 -0800 (PST) Subject: Assignment makes pointer from integer without a cast; I am using a function like this ...

  19. gcc warning: assignment makes integer from pointer without a cast

    1. The problem is that table_name[index] is an integer value, not a pointer. NULL is meant to represent pointers. If table_name is declared as int*, you could do table_name = NULL; without issue, but when setting a value at an index, the compiler is going to expect you to use the same type as the array. answered Jun 20, 2012 at 1:06. Reed Copsey.

  20. Clang 19.1.0 Release Notes

    The -Wshorten-64-to-32 diagnostic is now grouped under -Wimplicit-int-conversion instead. of -Wconversion. Fixes #69444. Clang now uses thousand separators when printing large numbers in integer overflow diagnostics. Fixes #80939. Clang now diagnoses friend declarations with an enum elaborated-type-specifier in language modes after C++98.