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Grad school dress code – outfit ideas for orientation and more

Knowing exactly what to wear during your grad school interview, Masters, PhD, or professional masters courses can cause some people anxiety. You don’t want to wear something that is inappropriate for your level of education. After all, in undergraduate you can wear whatever you want – and most people do.

The grad school dress code depends on the type of course you are doing. For many masters and PhD’s there is generally no dress code other than something sensible for your research (enclosed shoes etc). A professional masters will require you to dress in business or casual business attire.

Throughout my Masters and PhD in chemistry I only ever wore clothes that were sensible for the research that I was doing. This included enclosed footwear, long pants, and a lab coat. There was no requirement for me to dress up in casual business attire unless I was attending a conference or symposium.

As soon as I graduated from my PhD I started to wear business casual attire so that I was able to professionally represent my position as a research associate, and postdoctoral fellow.

On the other hand, if you are doing a professional masters related to a business profession it is often expected that you will wear attire that is appropriate for the professional environment. This could mean a full suit and collared shirts or blouses. Otherwise, some professional masters only require business casual attire.

The best thing to do is to enquire with the graduate office as to the appropriate attire to wear for your course, alternatively, you can ask someone who is currently in the course for their advice.

What is the dress code for graduate school?

The dress code for graduate school can vary from institution to institution.

Generally speaking, most universities expect their graduate students to adhere to a professional and sensible dress code.

Neatness and respect should be kept in mind when selecting clothing for school activities. No offensive slogans or T-shirts should be worn and all of your clothes should be clean and neat.

Shoes should always be appropriate and comfortable; open-toed shoes may not be allowed in some cases.

Depending on the university’s policies, hats may not be allowed in class or at certain events.

Graduates should also take into account the weather conditions when planning their outfits – it wouldn’t do to wear sandals or shorts if it’s snowing outside!

Overall, the dress code for graduate school is designed to ensure that all students present themselves in a professional manner that reflects positively on the university. We need to step away a little bit from the undergraduate student look.

Here are the typical dress codes I have seen for various degrees.

Masters vs PhD vs Professional Masters – grad school dress code

The grad school dress code heavily depends on the sort of course that you are doing. Some universities set a culture of dressing in more professional and formal attire than others.

what do phd students wear

Masters students

Master’s students at a university should dress professionally and modestly for all activities associated with the university. For classroom, cafeteria, student centre, and university office activities, neat and modest casual attire is expected at a minimum.

Make sure that you are clean and well-presented no matter what you decide to wear. I got away with jeans and a T-shirt for my master’s because that was the culture of the university.

PhD students

PhD students can wear whatever they want as long as it is respectful to the others in the department. A typical outfit for PhD students during my time in academia was:

  • jeans or chinos
  • shirt or T-shirt
  • clean shoes or trainers

I only ever knew one person who wore a full suit during their PhD. Apparently they had been doing it throughout their undergraduate as well.

For STEM programs, jeans and t-shirts may be permissible depending on the Occupational Health & Safety guidelines.

Graduates may want to dress up slightly more during the first week to see what other people are wearing and gauge whether they are wearing the appropriate thing.

Professional master’s degrees

Lastly, if you’re doing a professional graduate program you may be expected to wear the same attire as the profession in which you are training.

This could be a full suit with tie or less formal business casual attire.

Typically, a professional masters degree will let you know in the prospectus as to what you need to wear. Looking at the photos of students on the university’s website for your course will also tell you the level of formality your dress code should follow.

Let’s take a look at the different stages of grad school and what would be appropriate for each.

What to wear to a grad school interview?

If you have to attend an interview for grad school it is important to dress more formally than if you were going to attend classes or other university activities. Remember that first impressions count so make sure your clothes reflect the seriousness of the situation.

When I was interviewed for my masters position, I wore a very neat outfit consisting of formal pants and a collared shirt with nice shoes. I ensure that everything I wore was neat and professional giving me the best opportunity for decent first impressions.

You want to present yourself in the best possible light and it is important to dress professionally.

For women, A shirt or blouse with a collar and a skirt that falls just above the knee are good choices.

Dress codes may vary depending on the school, but wearing a suit or at least a blazer and trousers is recommended.

If you want to opt for something more casual, choose neutral colors such as dark blue or grey for your attire. You can also replace the blazer with a sweater if it’s cold outside.

Choose shorts that are not too short and flat shoes such as a pair of sandals or loafers.

Jeans are generally not appropriate for a graduate school interview, but if you think they fit the dress code of your grad school then go ahead and wear them.

Make sure that you dress appropriately for walking around the school or college as well. Some interviews also include an orientation for prospective students.

What to wear to graduate school classes?

In your graduate school classes comfort is key. You’ll be set down for many hours and plants that are too tight and uncomfortable will make it much more of a challenge.

When it comes to deciding what to wear to graduate school classes, grad students should strive for a neat yet comfortable look.

A skirt or other tailored bottoms paired with a collared top are great options that look polished and presentable while still being comfy enough for long days of studying.

If the weather permits, go for a dress that is appropriate for the classroom setting.

Make sure whatever you decide on is clean and well-fitted.

For men, slacks or khakis with a collared shirt are ideal attire for graduate school classes.

Comfort and professionalism should be the focus when dressing for class as a grad student; avoid clothing that is too tight in order to maintain an appropriate look and comfort throughout your studies.

What Exactly Is Business Casual for graduate school?

Business Casual is a dress code that falls between casual and formal wear.

It is the type of attire you would wear in the workplace, but it is more relaxed than wearing a suit.

It includes items such as slacks, khakis, blouses, skirts, blazers and even denim.

Business Casual also allows for more relaxed accessories to complete your outfit.

The dress code encourages employees to look professional while still feeling comfortable at work.

Business Casual is not as strict as other dress codes, which means you can get creative with your outfits and express yourself through clothing without going too far outside the boundaries of what’s acceptable in the office.

You don’t have to worry about wearing a suit every day or being too dressed up for grad school when you stick to this dress code; instead you can find an outfit that fits your style and is still within the guidelines of Business Casual.

What NOT wear to grad school?

Clothes are an important part of presenting yourself in a professional and polished manner when attending grad school.

While there is commonly no strict dress code for grad school, it is important to dress smart casual and avoid overly casual attire.

This means avoiding clothes like:

  • sweatpants,
  • faded t-shirts,
  • distressed jeans,
  • worn out sneakers,
  • athletic clothing and
  • flip-flop sandals.

Instead, opt for slacks, at least non-faded jeans with a collared shirt or blouse, and comfortable shoes that look professional.

Ties are not necessary but can be worn if appropriate for the occasion such as formal academic events and conferences.

It’s best to wear something more formal such as dress pants or a skirt with a nice blouse or top. Make sure that you feel comfortable and confident in what you are wearing so that you can make a positive first impression on your new classmates and professors.

Wrapping up

This article has covered everything you need to know about what to wear as a grad student. You may have to update your wardrobe a little bit so that you can attend your first day of grad school with confidence.

If in doubt remember to dress more professionally than you would in undergrad and stay away from any worn or distressed-looking clothes.

The exact thing that you will wear on a daily basis will often depend on your discipline and looking at the prospectus and photos of the current students will help guide your decision.

what do phd students wear

Dr Andrew Stapleton has a Masters and PhD in Chemistry from the UK and Australia. He has many years of research experience and has worked as a Postdoctoral Fellow and Associate at a number of Universities. Although having secured funding for his own research, he left academia to help others with his YouTube channel all about the inner workings of academia and how to make it work for you.

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what do phd students wear

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Academic regalia, also known as the “cap and gown,” varies according to the degree conferred and the level of scholarship attained. The bachelor’s gown is a simple robe that covers the entire body. The master’s gown has longer, closed sleeves. The doctoral robe usually is the most elaborate; it is made of velvet, has three stripes on the arms, and includes a hood.

For faculty and doctoral robes, the robe itself is usually specific to the university, while the hood trim indicates the academic discipline. In addition, the faculty member wears the robe indicative of his or her highest degree. If the highest degree is an honorary degree, the faculty member has a choice of wearing the robe of the school that conferred the honorary degree, or the one that conferred the highest earned degree. Bachelor’s and master’s candidates wear a square mortarboard. Doctoral students and faculty usually wear a tam.

In this feature we look at the details of faculty regalia — explaining why they wear what they wear.

Let’s commence!

Georgia Tech Faculty Regalia

Ángel Cabrera

Ph.D., Cognitive Psychology • Georgia Institute of Technology • School Colors: White and gold


Details: 1) The president wears the Institute Medallion, which bears Georgia Tech’s “Progress and Service” motto. The medallion’s chain has the initials of each of Tech’s 12 presidents. 2) The president’s traditional tam is finished off with a gold tassel. 3) Four velvet stripes adorn the sleeves of the president’s gown.


The president also has traditional Spanish regalia from his other alma mater, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, where he received an honorary doctorate in 2018. The regalia has lace-covered sleeves and is worn with white gloves and a white bowtie.

Steven W. McLaughlin

Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs

Ph.D., Electrical Engineering • University of Michigan • School Colors: Blue and maize


Details: 1) He wears a six-sided tam with tassel. 2) His hood is blue and maize.  

Kaye Husbands Fealing

Dean and Ivan Allen Chair, Ivan Allen College of Liberal Arts

Ph.D., Economics • Harvard University • School Colors: Crimson

kaye husbands fealing in regalia

Details: 1) The crimson gown has black velvet lapels and arm bands. 2) The color of the crow’s-foot lapel emblem represents the school granting the degree.

Ellen Bassett

Dean and John Portman Chair, College of Design

Ph.D., Urban and Regional Planning • University of Wisconsin-Madison • School Colors: Cardinal and white

dean bassett

Details: 1) She wears a traditional gown with a tam. 2) Her hood is cardinal and white for Wisconsin, and the sparkly shoes are white and gold for Georgia Tech. 3) She wears a Wisconsin pin and vintage Yellow Jacket earrings.

Maryam Alavi

Elizabeth D. and Thomas M. Holder Chair and Professor, Scheller College of Business

Ph.D., Information Systems • The Ohio State University • School colors: Scarlet and gray


Details: 1) Her hood is scarlet and gray. 2) She wears a six-sided tam with a gold tassel.

Susan Lozier

Dean and Betsy Middleton and John Clark Sutherland Chair, College of Sciences

Ph.D., Ocean Sciences • University of Washington • School Colors: Purple and gold


Details: 1) Her tam is purple velvet with a gold tassel, and her robe is purple with gold accents. 2) Dean Lozier’s initials are stitched inside her gown.

Raheem Beyah

Dean and Southern Company Chair, College of Engineering

Ph.D., Electrical and Computer Engineering • Georgia Institute of Technology • School Colors: White and gold

raheem beyah in regalia

Details: 1) The lapels, sleeve bars, and part of the hood are navy velvet. (2) He wears a navy velvet tam with a gold tassel. 

Leslie Sharp

Dean of Libraries

Ph.D., History and Sociology of Technology and Science • Georgia Institute of Technology • School Colors: White and gold

leslie sharp in regalia

Details: 1) She wears a six-sided tam, which is navy velvet with a gold tassel. 2) The lapels, which bear the Institute’s seal, are velvet, as are the sleeve bars.

Nelson Baker

Interim Dean, College of Lifetime Learning

Ph.D., Civil Engineering • Carnegie Mellon University • School Colors: Carnegie red, black, steel gray, and iron gray

nelson baker in regalia

Details:  1) He wears a black gown with a traditional mortar board. 2) The Carnegie Mellon University Tartan, first commissioned in 1967 for academic hoods, also serves as an official “color” for the university.

Georgia Tech Student Regalia

Details: 1) Undergraduates wear black mortarboards with white and gold tassels, and 2) black robes that bear the Georgia Tech seal on the lapels. Master’s graduates wear the same mortarboards and a similar robe to that of undergraduates, but the sleeves have an extension at the back of the wrist opening, as is customary for master’s gowns. (Below) Master’s hood colors correspond to the academic degree programs. Learn more about hood colors at Georgia Tech .

master's hood colors

Details: Ph.D. graduate robes are Georgia Tech gold with navy blue accents. 1 and 2) The sleeve bars and lapels, which also bear the Institute’s seal, are velvet, as is the navy part of the hood. The hood is gold, navy, and white. 3) Ph.D. graduates wear a six-sided tam, which is navy velvet with a gold tassel.

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what do phd students wear

How to Wear Your Doctoral Regalia Set

Part of The PhD Guide Series

It’s time for graduation, and we want to make sure that you wear your beautiful regalia correctly. During my own graduation, I remember searching on Google for videos to try to figure out how to properly wear my gown. And since we often get this question here at PhinisheD Gown, we decided to share the instructions with you.

Under the gown

Most men wear a nice crisp dress shirt with a tie on top. A nice pair of slacks or khakis plus dress shoes complete the look. Ladies usually wear a summer dress and heels or flats. If your ceremony is on a grass field and you want to wear heels, make sure the heel points are wide enough that they don’t sink into the ground.

Graduation gown

Most doctoral graduation gowns are worn closed with a front zipper, except Stanford which has an open style. Your sleeve should sit around your wrists, and the bottom of the gown should be about 8-12" above the floor.

Doctoral Hood

To keep the hood secured in place, loop the string attached to the hood onto the button inside the gown near the top of the front zipper. Alternatively, you can loop the string onto your shirt’s button underneath the gown.

Once you have the hood on, have someone flip the part of the hood on your back inside out starting from the top. This reveals the hood lining color and shows off your school colors. To keep the hood in place, use the string to loosely tie the 2 buttons on the hood that should be sitting on your upper back.

If you are receiving your PhD degree, don’t wear your hood until after the hooding ceremony. During the hooding ceremony, you will be granted the degree and hooded by your department.

Wear the tam horizontally so that it is parallel to the ground and sits about an inch above the ears. Place the tassel on the left side of the tam (flipping the tassel is only for undergraduate degrees).

Have fun and celebrate your big day in style with PhinisheD Gown!

About Phinished Gown

We take pride in offering the highest quality regalia and great customer service. All the materials we use have been specifically chosen to closely match university designs and crafted into beautiful PhD regalia. We strive to make our doctoral regalia affordable to all PhD graduates so that you can celebrate your graduation day in style.


*2024* What to wear to grad school orientation & everyday? 25 chic looks!

Posted on Published: January 1, 2024

*2024* What to wear to grad school orientation & everyday? 25 chic looks!

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What to wear to graduate school orientation ? Or basically, what to wear to grad school ? 

As the saying goes “The stress of grad school can drive anyone temporarily mad” .

Grad school is TOUGH, that’s why you definitely don’t want to wear a laid-back outfit screaming “I’m giving up ” to make you feel more hopeless.

Make sense ladies?

what to wear grad school

While there’s no dress code for a grad student and you can wear whatever you want, dressing smart casual will put you on the right track.

That said, I’ve gathered 25 grad school student outfit ideas if you wonder what to wear to graduate school orientation and every day, enjoy!

1. What to wear to grad school? Go with classy hues

Speaking of grad students or PhD students common look, of course, jeans are the no-brainer.

What to wear to grad school?

If you want to look more put-together, swap the distressed jeans to the dark hues jeans for a dash of sophistication.

So yes, in my opinion, dark blue, black, and classy white jeans are better than light-washed blue jeans if you want to dress smart casual.

Another perfect choice is Ponte pants, it’s stretchy and decent at the same time.

Together with a beige sweater and Oxford shoes, this look is a 10/10.

grad student outfits

And of course, this look is perfect for joining the graduate school orientation and open house day.

2. What NOT wear to grad school? Gym wear.

During the orientation, you will be joining many talks and meeting your potential advisors.

what to wear to grad school

You want to hit that sweet spot where you look put-together but also approachable.

If you are a chill person, at least swap the oversized top and leggings to look for a form-fitting hoodie and straight-leg jeans.

I’d say this is the bottom line.

grad student outfits

You know, the first impression is difficult to change!

Dress like what you want to be addressed.

3. Shirtdress as the perfect graduate school orientation day look

So here’s my favorite. If I have to wear it to graduate school orientation, a midi button-down dress is such a nice look.

what to wear to graduate school orientation

It just makes me look classy without sacrificing my style at all.

Pair it with an off-shoulder bag and a pair of loafers, this is how you “effortlessly” stand out from the laid-back hoodie crowd and make people think , “Hmm… this girl seems so put-together, she must be a great project mate .”

Alright, I may think too much…

grad student outfits white shirt dress

4. How do female graduate students dress? Academia look!

Who said grad student has to dress boring? If you have a style, why not flaunt it loud?

How do female graduate students dress?

Dark academia outfits are having a moment right now. And the best part?

It’s not as juvenile as the mini skirt school girl look so you can easily carry it as a grad student.

You know the deadline is hard and sometimes you need to have fun with your look to boost your mood.

grad student outfits

Now ladies, rock your look and show them grades and styles can co-exist!

5. Grad student outfits in fall and winter

If you want to look stylish with minimal effort, throw on a sweater and you’re good to go.

What to wear to grad school?

Despite the smart-looking high-neck top, my other favorite is the Breton top.

It just adds a subtle dash of timelessness and elegance to the look.

By slipping into a pair of ballet flats and doing a sleek low bun, you’ll never feel anything missing from your outfit.

6. First day of grad school outfit? Layer it up.

If the weather is more on the chilly side, layer it up for a preppy grad school student look.

First day of grad school outfit

If you want to keep your houndstooth knitted dress low-key, pair it with a big collared shirt dress underneath just looks as decent as it looks meticulously posh.

You’re welcome.

7. Graduate student wardrobe must-have: Chino shorts

Speaking of the summer grad school female attire, shorts are a must-have.

Graduate student wardrobe

While the hot pants and biker shorts are doable (as no one will tell you what NOT to wear) , I’ll encourage you to stick with decent ones.

Think chino shorts, Bermuda shorts, dress shorts, and so on.

grad student outfits

Trust me, the right shorts will make you look ten times more tasteful.

8. What to wear to graduate school classes?

So you want to dress more womanly and sophisticated as you know you’re ready to a grown-up as a grad student.

what to wear to graduate school classes?

If you can only go for one change, what about switching out your mini skirt to a pleated midi skirt for a billowy yet comfy silhouette?

grad student outfits

After all, you’ll be sitting in the classroom for hours and you certainly don’t want to torture yourself with a suffocating bodycon wrap skirt.

9. When in doubt, add a blazer

When it comes to two essential outerwear pieces for grad students, a form-fitting blazer for presentation and a lightweight long-time cardigan for sitting in those freezing classrooms are the two must-haves.

how do female graduate students dress

If you think a black blazer is too official, try out the neutrals like beige and white for a refreshing update!

That said, I don’t prefer the oversized one – I’ll leave them for the casual weekend to showcase my street style.

10. No sexy dress on graduate school orientation

Speaking of the graduate school orientation and open house day, ladies, please DON’T wear a sexy dress like a bodycon and put your amazing curves in the spotlight.

what to wear on graduate school orientation?

I know you have a great body, but honey, let’s leave that to the clubbing night with your girl pals.

Unless you want to attract hate and enemies and feel out of place in the grad student crowd.

Otherwise, choose a sweet yet decent knee-high dress that makes you look likable and appropriable.

11. What shoes to wear as a grad student?

There are a ton of footwear choices for grad students honestly, from sneakers to popular ballet flats, everything’s comfortable is all good.

what shoes to wear as a grad student

If you’re gravitating towards the classy style, loafers, driving moccasins, and espadrilles sneakers are all lovely choices, they just look tasteful whether you dress them up or down.


So there you ladies, the 25 outfit ideas if you wonder what to wear to graduate school orientation and what to wear to grad school .

I hope these tips help! Of course, feel free to take this with a pinch of salt as everyone has a different style.

At the end of the day, it’s all about wearing things that make you feel comfortable and good.

So now, it’s time to have fun and create your look!

By the way, if you are interested in more classy yet casual outfit ideas, I’m sure you will love the articles below.

See you there gorgeous!

  • My top 8 feasible tips✨: How to dress sporty but classy?
  • ✨10 elegant colors that make you look instantly classy | LADIES, TIME TO LEVEL UP!

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Academic Regalia at Graduation, Explained

University commencements are exciting celebrations of student achievement, and they also provide faculty, students, and their families a visible connection to the birth of the modern university way back in the 12th century.

The black robes worn by graduating students and their faculty are known as academic “regalia” – and there’s a difference between a master’s degree gown vs bachelor’s.

While undergraduate graduation robes may all seem the same, at the graduate level regalia tell a rich story of the graduate’s academic journey. That is, they do if you know what to look for!

At the Masters level, regalia consists of a simple black gown.  What distinguishes a Masters level gown from a Baccalaureate gown is the sleeves.  Masters level gowns usually have long, extended sleeves.  Historically, those sleeves could have been used as pockets.

Master’s regalia meaning

What do masters graduates wear? At the master’s level, regalia consists of a simple black gown. What distinguishes a master’s level gown from a baccalaureate gown are the sleeves. Master’s level gowns usually have long, extended sleeves. Historically, those sleeves could have been used as pockets.

The headgear for the master’s regalia is traditionally the square mortarboard cap. (Graduates wear the mortarboard only at the full University commencement, as they get in the way of the College hooding ceremony.) At University commencement, wear the mortarboard tassel on the right. After your degree is conferred, move the tassel to the left.

The master’s hood is a modern interpretation of the hooded robes worn by medieval monks who taught in the early universities. The monks would use their hoods to keep warm in the winters and also to collect alms. The master’s hood is 3.5 feet long and features a three-inch velvet trim that indicates the graduate’s academic discipline. The inside of the hood, displayed on the graduate’s back, shows the colors of the school from which the student graduated.

Master’s hood colors

Master’s students at the College of Graduate and Professional Studies receive hoods with UNE blue and silver on the inside, and the following colors on the outside:

  • Master of Science in Applied Nutrition : Science Gold
  • Master of Science in Education : Light Blue
  • Master of Science in Health Informatics : Science Gold
  • Master of Public Health : Salmon
  • Master of Social Work : Citron
  • Master of Healthcare Administration : Drab (light brown)

Certificates of Advanced Graduate Study (CAGS) regalia

Students graduating from the post-master’s Certificate of Advanced Graduate Study program wear the light blue hood of Education with a light blue cord indicating their advanced study.

Doctoral regalia meaning

At the doctoral level, regalia consists of a more elaborate gown with a five-inch velvet panel down the front and three velvet bars on each sleeve. The velvet trim on a doctoral gown indicates the degree and academic discipline of the graduate. Some schools choose a color other than black for their doctoral regalia. Harvard University’s doctoral robes, for instance, are the school’s trademark crimson color.

Doctoral regalia colors

Graduates of UNE’s Doctor of Education (Ed.D.) program wear black gowns with light blue velvet, showing their connection to the field of education.

Doctoral regalia with navy blue or black velvet trim indicates that the wearer has earned a Doctorate of Philosophy (Ph.D.) degree. Other colors of trim indicate other academic disciplines. At University commencement, you may see regalia with lilac trim (Doctorate of Dental Medicine), Olive Green (Pharmacy Doctorate), or Kelly Green (Medical or Osteopathic Doctorate).

The doctoral hood, like the master’s hood, features the colors of the graduate’s university on the inside and the color of the academic discipline on the outside.

Doctoral tam

The doctoral headgear is traditionally the soft tam. Some tams have four corners and look like floppy mortarboards. Others have six corners. The style of tam is determined by the school from which one graduates.

Fun fact: most doctoral tams have the tassel sewn to the fabric of the hat. Instead of moving the tassel from right to left, you turn the entire tam so that the tassel “moves” to the left side!

Cords and stoles for graduation regalia

You may also see graduates at commencement wearing stoles or cords. These indicate that the wearer is a member of an honor society, or has earned honors in other ways. Veterans or active duty students in the US military, for instance, have their service recognized with a red, white, and blue cord.

In the same way that the regalia robes and hoods are historical descendants of the clothing of medieval monks, cords were used in the Catholic and Anglican churches to distinguish between the varying ranks of the clergy.

In 2019, CGPS introduced the silver service cord for Public Health graduates. These students have e arned honors by engaging in service activities . If you see a graduate with a silver service cord, ask them about their service experiences. They’ve done some amazing things!

Determining the meanings of different pieces of academic regalia

Commencement may look like a sea of more-or-less uniform black gowns, but with a sharp eye, you can tell where the graduate earned their degree, what degree they earned, what honors they earned during their degree, and in what field they earned their degree.

That’s not bad for an outfit that’s more than 900 years old!

Click here for more commencement details! 

Have additional questions? Reach out! Specialized Enrollment Counselors are available Monday – Friday, 8 am – 5 pm EST via email at [email protected] or by calling (855) 325-0896.

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what do phd students wear

Caps & Gowns, Hoods & Cords: A Guide to Commencement

By Kelly Saavedra ksaavedra(through)

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This Sunday, several thousand people will process through Gesling Stadium for Carnegie Mellon University's 122nd Commencement Ceremony. Among them will be faculty, students, university leaders and honorary degree recipients.

Nearly all will be dressed in black, but their academic rank will be identifiable by noting a few subtle differences in their regalia.

The bachelor's degree recipient wears a plain black gown with a bell sleeve and a red tassel on the cap, or mortar board, and no hood. 

The master's degree recipient wears a black tassel, a colored hood and a gown that has a visibly odd sleeve. The rear of the sleeve is oblong in shape, square-cut and closed off with a cut-out arc. Hood color varies, depending on the field of academic study. At Carnegie Mellon, the primary hood colors for master's degree recipients are (with exceptions):

  • Brown or Pink — College of Fine Arts, Heinz College or Entertainment Technology;
  • Drab (light brown) or Copper — Tepper School of Business;
  • Golden Yellow — School of Computer Science, Mellon College of Science or Dietrich College;
  • Lemon Yellow or Peacock Blue — Heinz College;
  • Orange — College of Engineering or Integrated Innovation Institute; and
  • White — Dietrich College.

The Ph.D. recipient's gown has velvet facing down the front and three velvet bars on each sleeve. The blue Ph.D hood is longer and wider than the master’s hood, and the tassel on the cap is gold.

A feature unique to all Carnegie Mellon hoods is they are lined with Tartan plaid.

Faculty and university leaders who have Ph.D.'s may choose to wear a tam instead of the cap, or mortar board. Various stoles and cords may be draped over anyone's gown. Cords signify academic honors, while stoles may represent athletics or country of origin.

Those in the procession wearing regalia that is not black are likely to be faculty wearing the colors of the school from where they received their highest degree. Four bars on the sleeve indicate the wearer is a sitting president.

Image of bachelor's degree cap & gown

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What to wear for a PhD/ MSc thesis defense?

Is it better to wear formal clothes for a PhD or MSc thesis defense or can we wear something as simple as a T-shirt?

  • outward-appearance

enthu's user avatar

  • Can you clarify presentation ? Are you presenting an informal talk on your research, or is this a formal defense? –  Moriarty Commented Jul 10, 2014 at 8:13
  • 5 So is it a formal defense or not? Either way, it's going to ultimately depend on the culture of your country and department. For an informal talk, your everyday dress will usually be fine. For a formal defense, it might be a good idea to wear a long-sleeved shirt and pants. –  Moriarty Commented Jul 10, 2014 at 8:18
  • 9 I think it really depends on the country and culture. E.g. mine was in the hot summer (35+ degrees Celsius). As a girl, I went in a dress (not too formal, but as I usually don't wear dresses/skirts at all, for me it was a big step up). But, I've seen boys present in jeans and T-shirts, jeans and (short sleeve) shirts, jeans with shirts and ties, suit-pants and shirts (and ties), one with a wacky tie, but also several in short pants and T-shirts... and they all defended successfully. –  penelope Commented Jul 10, 2014 at 8:45
  • 6 The appropriate attire is the one that won't distract the audience form the content of your talk. Don't try to be original or to make a statement ('I'm a genius, I can dress the way I want' etc.). I think a bit formal never hurts, it shows that you are taking it seriously but ultimately it's highly unlikely that your attire will influence your grade. –  Cape Code Commented Jul 10, 2014 at 11:30
  • 3 Have you asked your advisor? –  Thorbjørn Ravn Andersen Commented Mar 15, 2015 at 22:33

4 Answers 4

Almost anything will be fine, provided you feel comfortable on them. The clothes you are wearing will influence the first impression, but you are going to be talking about your project for at least 20 min, and the confidence and clarity will wipe whatever the first idea was. Make sure they are you feel good on them, and don't use them for the first time this day in case they itch or something (specially important for underwear!).

The right level of formalism is very dependent on the culture and setting, but it is probably not so important. It will also depend on whether the event is public or not: if the audience are going to be the people that have been seeing you in normal clothes all year round, or if the public is going to attend and the University wants to shine. Of course, a frock and a top hat or just a swimming suit will look ridiculous, but anywhere in the middle would work.

For reference, I have been present to two PhD defences in Sweden (where they are quite lax in formalities). In one, the doctorand was wearing plain business-like clothes, slightly more formal than a normal day; in the other, he was wearing a normal shirt, quite less formal than his normal attire. And, for the record, both passed.

Edit: Jigg is right in pointing that some universities do require a certain dress code. In this case, it will probably be clearly stated by the centre. Being rejected is possible, but extremely unlikely, as it can get the university in all sorts of legal troubles. Also, these regulations can get to absurd levels (the story seems to be a legend, but the third comment may be legit).

Davidmh's user avatar

  • 10 +1 for formalism depending on the setting. A friend of mine who got his Masters in an Italian engineering school was dismissed from the exam before saying the first word because he didn't wear a tie. –  Cape Code Commented Jul 10, 2014 at 12:21
  • 1 @Jigg really ??????!!!! –  user14487 Commented Jul 10, 2014 at 12:33
  • 2 @begueradj a doctor told me that in his first day of work in a hospital in the UK he was sent back home for the same reason; being a pathologist, so he never interacts with alive patients. In cases like Jigg's friend (very uncommon, I must say), the school should specify the dress code somewhere. –  Davidmh Commented Jul 10, 2014 at 12:44
  • 2 Yes, it's an anecdote. I doubt it was an official university dress code, just the opinion of an old prof with a penchant for conservatism. –  Cape Code Commented Jul 10, 2014 at 13:03
  • 2 At Oxford vivas (defences) count as examinations, and full academic dress is required, meaning a dark suit, white shirt or blouse, white bow tie or black ribbon, mortarboard and gown. This is, of course, made very clear to candidates beforehand, though. –  dbmag9 Commented Dec 18, 2014 at 22:15

Think of it as a job interview, but actually much more important than that. There is such a thing as unconscious bias - first impressions count and you should therefore aim to make a good one. If you look professional, then they will think you are professional, and are more likely to trust and believe in you. It may not be fair, but that is how it is. I recommend being smartly dressed.

Des's user avatar

  • 7 But keep in mind that in some fields, "professional" means a new T-shirt. –  JeffE Commented Apr 23, 2015 at 2:47

In job interviews it's actually a mistake to dress up fully formally for jobs (like software) that don't require it. Your grad student culture has a range probably from t-shirts to business casual.

I do think it's important to say, "Hey, I'm taking this seriously, this is a serious occasion, and I'm prepared." Comfort is the other important thing.

In one sentence, wear something in the top third of your wardrobe, but not in the top tenth. Smarter/sharper is good, fancy pants dinner or gala attire is bad.

That being said, here's my attempt at male fashion advice (sorry, I can't really help the women here too much) if you really do feel like a more detailed breakdown will help you.

  • Street shoes (c.f. sneakers)
  • dark wash jeans or slacks
  • collared shirt tucked in, or similar such as nice sweater
  • neatly shaven to your level of grooming (beard or clean okay, just whatever you wear)
  • not looking like you "need a haircut" but don't get a fancy or special haircut. Wear your normal accessories, whether it be watch or necklace.
  • If tattoos are part of your look they've got you this far, don't worry about covering them or not ("within reason").
  • Try not to look like a sloppy student who never dresses up: wear clothes straight from the cleaner.
  • A tie if you like, in my mind I picture that as a nice addition but not necessary.

I think a jacket is too much: it will make you look too "other" compared to the professors. If you over-dress you will make yourself look "on the spot" more than you already are, and who wants that?

This might sound too analytical for fashion (unless you're really into fashion in which case it sounds fun!), but this shouldn't sound daunting. Just dress normal, normal, normal, nice.

  • 7 +1 for "wear something in the top third of your wardrobe, but not in the top tenth". –  J. Zimmerman Commented Dec 19, 2014 at 16:50
  • What about a suit or a bow tie instead of a tie? –  Rrjrjtlokrthjji Commented Apr 22, 2015 at 21:05

You can wear something as informal as a t-shirt and, as others have said, it probably won't swing the decision one way or another. I've seen very informal defense dress from passing students. That said, most people dress up at least slightly more formally than normal and many wear business attire. If you're extremely uncomfortable or resistant to dressing up, don't worry too much. Otherwise: Why not?

Showing up wearing a suit and tie or similarly formal business attire is a strong signal that you are taking the defense seriously. Although they're not everything, first impressions matter and formal dress can also help you look (and feel) authoritative, knowledgeable, and a way you can show that you've taken the time to be prepared.

I am extremely casual on a day-to-day basis but I wore a suit for my defense. Although my own advisor teased me that my defense was the first time he'd seen me dressed up, the fact that he knew that I rarely dressed that way made it very clear how seriously I took the process. Would I have passed anyway? Sure. But even if the effect is one person challenges you a little bit less in the Q&A, that could be worth it.

mako's user avatar

  • 1 This answer is probably rather country-specific. In Germany, I have seen an MSc student show up for his (CS) defense in a business attire exactly once, and by that, he made (later, in his absence) the whole department laugh about him because he was hopelessly overdressed (both compared to other students and compared to everyone in the department ...). We seriously wondered whether he was trying to be funny in a weird way. (That applies only to defenses by students, though; for PhD defenses, things are very different.) –  O. R. Mapper Commented Dec 19, 2014 at 15:58
  • 1 @O.R.Mapper: I'm in the US and my opinion is pulling mostly from my experience. It's also going to vary based on the culture of the school and place in general. Folks dressed up for more defenses, and in general, at MIT and in Boston than they do at the University of Washington and in Seattle. –  mako Commented Dec 19, 2014 at 16:50

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what do phd students wear

The Ohio State University logo

Academic costume

Ceremony details       Speaker       Academic costume       Resources       Diplomas

Bachelor:   The bachelor gown is black, full-cut with long pointed sleeves.

Master: The master gown is black, with long or short sleeves, an arc-shaped panel extending from each sleeve.

Doctor : The Ohio State University Doctor of Philosophy and Doctor of Musical Arts gowns are scarlet with gray velvet panels on the front and three velvet bars on each sleeve. Other doctor gowns are black with velvet panels and bars, the color of which is distinctive of the field of study.

Master:   Three-and-one-half feet long with a three-inch-wide velvet edging.

Doctor:   Four feet in length with a five-inch-wide velvet edging and panel at the sides.

The lining of all hoods, which is folded out, bears the official colors of the institution granting the degree. The color of the velvet indicates the degree being earned and generally reflects the field of study.

Cap and tassel

Wear the tassel on the left side of your cap.

Bachelor's and master's degree candidates at The Ohio State University wear the black mortarboard with a tassel. The color is distinctive of the degree being received. Tassel colors are as follows:

Graduate School (PhD/DMA): Gray (Others): Black

Arts and Sciences, BA White

Arts and Sciences, BA Journalism Crimson

Arts and Sciences, BAE, BFA Brown

Arts and Sciences, BM, BME Pink

Arts and Sciences, BS, BS Design, BS Atmos.Sci., BS Geog. Info. Sci. White

Fisher College of Business Drab

Dentistry Lilac

Education and Human Ecology, BSED Light Blue

Education and Human Ecology, BSHPNES, BSHDFS, BSHEC, BSHM,  BSNut Maroon

Engineering Orange

Knowlton School of Architecture Blue-Violet

Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences Maize

Environment and Natural Resources Blue-Green

Moritz College of Law Purple

Medicine Green

Health and Rehabilitation Sciences Green

Nursing Apricot

Optometry Seafoam Green

Pharmacy Olive Green

John Glenn College of Public Affairs Peacock Blue

Public Health Salmon

Social Work Citron

Veterinary Medicine Gray

what do phd students wear

2020 Spring Commencement

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  • Graduation Stoles
  • Graduation Tassels
  • Graduation Hoods
  • Graduation Honor Cords
  • Graduation Caps
  • Graduation Gowns
  • Graduation Diploma Frames
  • Graduation Diploma Covers
  • Graduation Cap and Gown
  • Graduation Diplomas
  • Graduation Regalia
  • All Departments

What Are Academic Hoods and How Do You Wear Them?

The first two items that come to mind when you think of academic regalia will most likely be a graduation robe and a graduation cap, but if you were asked to come up with a third, you might think of a hood. Academic hoods are these special garments worn over the shoulders and back of the graduation robe. They come in a variety of styles, colors, and materials. In this article, we will talk about what they stand for as well as tips on how to wear them properly.

In many countries, academic hoods are part of a complete graduation attire. The United Kingdom, the Philippines, Sri Lanka, and New Zealand are just a few countries who consider hoods as important as the mortarboard cap and the graduation gown. However, styles and designs of hoods vary widely, but it is believed that this important piece of garment originated in England. The old academic hoods were shaped like regular hoods, that is, they were made to also help the wearer stay safe from snow and rain. Nowadays, hoods are mostly used for ornamental purposes. A lot of universities all over the world consider fur as an integral part of a hood, although more and more institutions are foregoing this practice or going for artificial fur instead to comply with animal rights.

Silk, satin, and velvet or velveteen are other fabrics commonly used for hoods. What style of hood a graduating student will wear depends on the university he or she is under as well as what study he or she finishes. Even plain hoods look quite impressive, such as those made from one color. The more elaborate designs, such as those of a larger size or those made from two different colors and fabrics, are often worn by graduates and members of higher learning.

Wearing a hood isn’t rocket science but you can learn the best way to put them on through the   GradShop academic hoods how to wear   website page. Make sure that the outer part of the hood is the right side up and that the center isn’t twisted. The peaked part of the hood should fall exactly in line with the spine. Also, make sure that the ends of the hood are of a parallel length on your front.

It is likely that you won’t get to wear a hood every day so if you do need to put one on, make sure that it’s in pristine condition. Hoods should be left to hang or folded neatly when not in use, and make sure there are no stains or smudges else you will look shabby. A smooth, immaculate hood is an important part of your graduation attire, so do what you can to keep it safe and clean at all times.

For more information on hoods, check out . The website also features images of different designs of academic hoods. Schools and universities can also request for bulk orders for hoods, graduation robes, caps, and other academic regalia like cords, stoles, diploma covers, and diploma frames.

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Academic Attire

Academic attire (cap and gown) is highly encouraged but not required for all graduates who plan to participate in commencement. attire can be purchased at the following ann arbor locations:.

LocationAddress / Phone Number
2102 Bonisteel Boulevard
Monday – Thursday: 10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Friday: 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
(734) 668-6022 or
530 S State Street
Monday – Thursday: 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Friday: 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Saturday: 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
(734) 205-2401 or
420 Maynard Street

303 S State Street
(734) 686-3002

Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree Candidates

All academic attire is available for purchase year-round at Barnes & Noble Campus Store. Beginning in mid-March, academic attire may be purchased at Michiganensian (dates listed below) and M Den locations. Please refer to the Academic Color Information grid below to find your appropriate hood velvet color.

Master’s Hood Color Information

The Colors of the various disciplines are as follows:

NOTE: If students would like to order regalia rather than pick it up in-store, please visit . Delivery for regalia is currently less than two weeks.

Blue Violet
Light Blue
Sage Green
Olive Green
Dark Blue
Salmon Pink
Peacock Blue
Golden Yellow

Honors Cords

Honor cords may be worn for designation of membership or achievement. Check with your organization or department for honors cord guidelines.

Doctoral Degree Candidates

2 Types of Gowns for your purchase – Green weaver Value Set- Gown /Tam/Hood. In-store year round.

Custom attire can be purchased any time throughout the year. Please allow 6-8 weeks for delivery.

Academic attire may be purchased (including hoods, caps, and gowns). Hoods are mandatory for all doctoral degree recipients.

  • Doctoral students will need to purchase their own doctoral hood.
  • Hoods should be University of Michigan Ph.D. hoods and correspond to your doctoral degree.

Michiganensian 2024 Senior Grad Extravaganza

Stanford Lipsey Student Publications Building | 420 Maynard St

March 11-15, 2024

April 8-12, 2024

April 14-19, 2024

April 21-26, 2024

Sales are open from 10:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.

Visit website for more details


  • Information for Graduates

Regalia Guidelines

  • Senior Salute
  • Directions & Contact Info
  • Graduation Office
  • Graduate Studies Info

Graduation regalia includes caps, gowns and tassels, plus special regalia that denote traditions of academic achievement (Only those who have achieved an academic honor or are members of an academic honors society are entitled to wear the special regalia).

Select a topic to view information about: 

› Stoles  › Cords  › Medallions 

› Caps › Gowns

› Tassels › Hoods

Graduation Stoles

A graduation or academic stole is a decorative vestment worn by students who are members of university registered student organizations and athletic teams. Special recognition is also available for first-generation and active military and veteran graduates. No personal, individual stoles are allowed. 

Tech’s registered student organizations

All regalia must be purchased through the University Bookstore. Exception: Students involved in registered student organizations affiliated with an inter/national organization that has a licensed trademark (example: Greek organizations) may wear stoles purchased from the inter/national organization.

The cost of the stole, unless issued by a university college or athletics, is the responsibility of the organization or the individual graduating student. Check with your academic college or organization for more information. 

If your organization’s planned use of an accessory falls outside of the guidelines above, contact your organization’s advisor or sponsor who should contact the Committee on Commencements, Convocations, and Academic Ceremonies for consideration. Organizations who fail to follow the established policy will jeopardize the organization’s ability to be represented with stoles in future commencement ceremonies. 

If you are an undergraduate student, you must achieve the Inclusive Combined grade point average (GPA) listed below to qualify for honors.  Honors are calculated based on the GPA from the previous semester. Information in the program may differ from the final GPA calculation.  This GPA includes Tennessee Tech and transferred coursework.

  • Cum Laude: 3.50 – 3.69 (solid purple)
  • Magna Cum Laude: 3.70 – 3.89 (solid gold)
  • Summa Cum Laude: 3.90 – 4.00 (purple/gold/white)

You can view your inclusive combined GPA by logging into your Eagle Online account – select “Student Records” and “Student GPA.”

Cords are available to honors students through the University Bookstore.  You may purchase cords at Senior Salute or contact the University Bookstore at 931-372-3131.  Some colleges or honors societies may provide cords to their honors students.  As a reminder, cords are part of the academic regalia and must be purchased through the University Bookstore. 

The only medallions approved to be worn are the 4.0 medallions issued by the university to 4.0 graduates on the day of the ceremony.

Decorations on graduation caps (mortar boards) are allowed as a symbol of accomplishment. Caps are the only part of the regalia you may decorate. Celebrate and decorate within the guidelines below: 

  • Only the top of the cap may be decorated. 
  • Do not hang decorations from the cap. 
  • Tall embellishments that interfere with the view of students behind you and are not allowed. 
  • Caps must not have any advertisements, symbols, words or slogans conveying messages inappropriate at a commencement ceremony. 
  • Caps must not threaten the safety of others or use any hate speech of any kind. 
  • Obscene, profane or vulgar language is expressly prohibited. 

For more information or to order your gowns, find the details on the information for graduates webpage . 

Tassels are worn on the right side and moved to the left once degrees are conferred during the ceremony. 

For information regarding undergrad information, contact Records, Registration, & Graduation Office.

What do the colors represent?

  • MSN - Apricot
  • MAcc - Drab
  • MS - Golden Yellow
  • PSM - Golden Yellow
  • EdS - Light Blue
  • MPS - Light Blue
  • PhD - Metallic Gold
  • DNP - Metallic Gold
  • MA - White

Graduate students do not wear ropes, cords, etc.

For more information regarding hoods and how to wear them, contact the College of Graduate Studies .

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What do PhD students wear?

Hi everyone, I'm about to start my Psychology PhD next week and wanted to ask what may initially sound like a stupid question. What do PhD students wear. Do you dress smartly like staff (I know lecturers can be tramps)or more dressed down like other students? This wasn't an issue as an undergrad or during my MSc (e.g. jeans, trainers etc) but as well as the studying and research, I will be liasing with NHS professionals, charity directors, patients as study participants doing some teaching work etc. I feel excited about starting but am starting to procrastinate over stupid MINOR details like this.

I reckon wear what you want on days you're not seeing patients etc. Then maybe a bit smarter when you have to meet people, but dont think you have to be too smart, definately not a suit

I did my PhD in a hospital department and there was a no jeans policy (cos of patient contact etc).

no one cares what you wear!!! wear what you feel right in - its like a freakshow in my lab with people that have just come off the catwalk to people who wear the same clothes for 9days running. As long as you shower and dont smell - i am sure you will be fine!

I am in a similar situation to Ann. If I am teaching or at the hospital then I dress smarter, other than that, anything goes.

Like the others have said, smarter for talking to people where you want to come across as professional, otherwise (if you are going to be in the library all day or something) whatever you like. I did some interviewing of clinicians and wore a skirt for that (I am female BTW). but also did some phone interviewing and i have been known to conduct an inteview on the phone from my sitting room in my pyjamas

Jeans and T shirts round here (like the lecturers in fact). Mind you, I do wear my better jeans and T shirts when I'm teaching!

Hi, I maybe the odd one out, as I wear a suit. I think it makes that you are taken more seriously and also shows respect to the ones who supervise you. It is an interesting experience to see how people speak differently to you just based on clothes, is sad, but in my opinion true.

Well my PhDs in a similar area, and I generally dress comfortably i.e. exactly the same as when I was an undergraduate (if they want me to look fabulous on a day-to-day level, they only need to increase my stipend...)! When I have to interact with people outside the bubble (i.e anyone not from the department) in my capacity as a researcher, I basically go smart-casual. |I find that too smart tends to freak out the general public who then think you have to power analyses them and then section them...ah, how informed people are... So yeah, for mooching around at work, where what you like, for working out of the Ivory Tower, nicely presented, but no scary suits

BTW my apologies for the bizzare English there, I have been working way to hard lately.

I wear jeans and trainers whilst at uni but I will dress up a bit more when I visit my CASE company, i.e smart trousers, proper shoes. I think I'm probably a bit more smart when I go to conferences too, who knows who you might meet! If you are seeing patients and meeting important people all the time, maybe you should try and dress a bit more smart most of the time. Like maybe wear jeans on some days but not trainers with them, etc and then be more smart when you are definately meeting patients etc.

I wear jeans and jumpers/t-shirts most of the time but if I'm presenting at lab meeting or have a supervisor meeting I wear something a bit smarter - not because I have to but because it gives me more confidence.

I always wear my smarter casual clothes at supervisions and when presenting papers or mixing with departmental people in seminars or events - nice jumpers, shirts, smart t-shirts. But when I'm just off to the library or just everyday stuff I have no problem wearing three day old jeans....

My PhD is in Medieval Costume, but luckily I don't have to dress like that! Although, I do freelance work in schools and have been dressed as a Roman lady this morning!

Some of the girls here are really glamorous. Don't know how they do it; as soon as I leave the house my hair kinks, mud flies onto my trousers and my makeup slides off . I'm trying to learn to appreciate the unkempt look.

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    According to Jezebel, the No. 1 rule when it comes to post-undergraduate fashion is to dress like an adult. This may sound nebulous, but it's a useful heuristic for when you're trying to navigate the aisles at the clothing store. Instead of sneakers, the source recommended a sensible and comfortable flat shoe, such as an Oxford flat or a ...

  4. Breaking Down the Cap and Gown

    Academic regalia, also known as the "cap and gown," varies according to the degree conferred and the level of scholarship attained. The bachelor's gown is a simple robe that covers the entire body. The master's gown has longer, closed sleeves. The doctoral robe usually is the most elaborate; it is made of velvet, has three stripes on the arms, and includes a hood.

  5. Dress to Profess: What Should Scientists Wear?

    3. Mortarboard. Thanks, Google image search, for reminding me that scientists wear a mortarboard (flat graduation hat) to work every day. The mortarboard is the universal symbol of scholarship, and wearing one means that you are smart. In addition to scientists, it's often apparently worn by owls. 4.

  6. How to Wear Your Doctoral Regalia?

    Doctoral Hood. To keep the hood secured in place, loop the string attached to the hood onto the button inside the gown near the top of the front zipper. Alternatively, you can loop the string onto your shirt's button underneath the gown. Once you have the hood on, have someone flip the part of the hood on your back inside out starting from ...

  7. What Type of Hat Should Doctoral Graduates Wear?

    This velvet accent is the color that designates the graduate's program. For example, a PhD in theology would wear a black gown with dark blue velvet trim while a Doctor of Theology (Th.D.) would wear a black gown with scarlet trim. - The tam is made of black velvet and is specifically reserved for those who hold a doctoral degree.

  8. *2024* What to wear to grad school orientation & everyday? 25 chic looks!

    Go with classy hues. Speaking of grad students or PhD students common look, of course, jeans are the no-brainer. Source: 1, 2. If you want to look more put-together, swap the distressed jeans to the dark hues jeans for a dash of sophistication. So yes, in my opinion, dark blue, black, and classy white jeans are better than light-washed blue ...

  9. PhD & Doctoral Regalia

    Elite Doctorate Gown - Custom Colors & Embroidery Available. $399.95 lowest for quantity orders $292.95. Deluxe Doctoral Hood. $54.95 lowest for quantity orders $47.45. Deluxe Garment Bag. $29.95. Stock Doctorate Hood. $24.99. Premium Doctoral Hood.

  10. The Meaning of Academic Regalia at Graduation

    Doctoral regalia meaning. At the doctoral level, regalia consists of a more elaborate gown with a five-inch velvet panel down the front and three velvet bars on each sleeve. The velvet trim on a doctoral gown indicates the degree and academic discipline of the graduate. Some schools choose a color other than black for their doctoral regalia.

  11. Caps & Gowns, Hoods & Cords: A Guide to Commencement

    The master's degree recipient wears a black tassel, a colored hood and a gown that has a visibly odd sleeve. The rear of the sleeve is oblong in shape, square-cut and closed off with a cut-out arc. Hood color varies, depending on the field of academic study. At Carnegie Mellon, the primary hood colors for master's degree recipients are (with ...

  12. What do grad students wear? : r/GradSchool

    Am Canadian student who has been to 3/5 major Unis in Canada. Most grad students dress very casually in comfy basics. Hell, the undergrads are usually way better dressed than us. That being said, I tend to go for a casual "ivy-league" fashion look, with cardigans, button up shirts, oxfords, and jeans or dresses.

  13. What do PhD students usually wear? In the field of science : r/PhD

    Depends on field of science. At the R1 for my PhD, most people have long pants (khakis, chinos, etc,) and a collared shirt unless it's a sweater. The shoes vary a lot though. Some boots, some loafers, some nice sneakers.

  14. What to wear for a PhD/ MSc thesis defense?

    2. At Oxford vivas (defences) count as examinations, and full academic dress is required, meaning a dark suit, white shirt or blouse, white bow tie or black ribbon, mortarboard and gown. This is, of course, made very clear to candidates beforehand, though. - dbmag9. Dec 18, 2014 at 22:15.

  15. Academic costume

    Cap and tassel. Wear the tassel on the left side of your cap. Bachelor's and master's degree candidates at The Ohio State University wear the black mortarboard with a tassel. The color is distinctive of the degree being received. Tassel colors are as follows: Graduate School. (PhD/DMA): Gray.

  16. What To Wear To A Doctoral Graduation And Other FAQs

    For a full picture of all the ornaments you might need to wear, check out the. Family members should do their best to ensure that they are helping the graduate stay focused and calm during this process. Mobile phones and cameras are necessary. If possible, an emergency kit containing needle, threads, double-sided tape, and other handy tools ...

  17. What Are Academic Hoods and How Do You Wear Them?

    The first two items that come to mind when you think of academic regalia will most likely be a graduation robe and a graduation cap, but if you were asked to come up with a third, you might think of a hood. Academic hoods are these special garments worn over the shoulders and back of the graduation robe. They come in a

  18. Academic Attire

    Doctoral students will need to purchase their own doctoral hood. Hoods should be University of Michigan Ph.D. hoods and correspond to your doctoral degree. Michiganensian 2024 Senior Grad Extravaganza. Stanford Lipsey Student Publications Building | 420 Maynard St. March 11-15, 2024. April 8-12, 2024. April 14-19, 2024. April 21-26, 2024

  19. Academic dress of the University of Oxford

    Graduate students who do not already have an Oxford degree wear a black lay-type gown that is a full-sized version of the commoner's gown, reaching to the knee. However, they are not worn by graduates of other universities who are reading for the degree of Bachelor of Arts, who wear a commoner's or scholar's gown as appropriate.

  20. Commencement

    PhD - Metallic Gold; DNP - Metallic Gold; MA - White; Graduate students do not wear ropes, cords, etc. For more information regarding hoods and how to wear them, contact the College of Graduate Studies. Back to Top. 1 William L Jones Dr Cookeville, TN 38505 General Information: (931) 372-3101 Campus Police: (931) 372-3234 Admissions: (931) 372 ...

  21. What do PhD students wear?

    What do PhD students wear. Do you dress smartly like staff (I know lecturers can be tramps)or more dressed down like other students? This wasn't an issue as an undergrad or during my MSc (e.g. jeans, trainers etc) but as well as the studying and research, I will be liasing with NHS professionals, charity directors, patients as study ...